Chapter 10: Incognito Ninja

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Louis was right about how each kingdom was one-upping each other. Just today, I saw that the hot springs was removed completely and it was not because of the White Queen. It's a good thing it was an artificial one. I heard she got her revenge by replacing the Red Queen's wardrobe with pieces of her own. I heard it from an old man down by the dairy farm. I highly doubt that's true because I hang out with the White Queen seventy percent of the time.

With me covered completely in white, I'm like a walking advertisement for the White kingdom. Non friendly glares came my way whenever I had errands to run for the queen. It's the least I can do since I'm sleeping at her place and eating her food. Usually, it's simple things like buy milk or deliver flowers to someone nearby, but today is different. Today, the White Queen has requested me to do her dirty work.

By dirty work, I mean make an act of war against the Red Kingdom. The task she gave was one that is going to be impossible to accomplish. I am requested to steal the Red Queen's crown right off her head. I have no clue why the White Queen would want to do such a thing. It's like she wants to get rid of me. Telling me to fuck off would have been a nicer approach than this.

She even gave me red clothing to match with their citizens. I'm not sure if I should tell her that the Red Queen might recognize me. Who knows how she'll react to that? I'd probably never know because not risking telling her.

Many times I tried building up the courage to tell her that this was too much to do, but I felt bad for her. I always take pity on her. She's like a sad old widow except she's young and I'm pretty sure she hasn't been married.

It's a good thing I'm wearing a cape with a hood to cover most of my face.
Now, I look very mysterious. Hopefully, that feature won't attract any attention towards me. My hair already does that enough. The middle-aged women down by the marker love to pet me like a horse. I try to stay away from them because of the comments they make while they touch it.

No plan was given to me what so ever. Only a map of the Red Kingdom. I'm not sure why she owns such a thing, but it's in great detail. It evens shows you where the toilets are, and I think I'd be needing those for this journey.

Apparently, the Red Queen has a schedule. The day I saw her was when she becomes a judge. Today at twelve she'll be doing a painting. She already has a billion paintings of herself already I'm not quite sure why she needs another one. Poor guy who has to keep painting all of them. I hope he gets paid enough to have to deal with her for so long.


Getting in took ninja-like moves. I'm talking about hiding behind pillars and listening to everybody who goes by. Now that I notice, a lot of people go in and out of the castle. Mostly they're guards, but them entering and leaving makes it easier for me to get in. I just quickly hop into a group of people and pretend I'm traveling with them. The good thing is that no one noticed me.

As I trailed behind them they seemed to be heading to the court room. That's the last place I want to be at. Besides wherever the Mad Hatter lives. I shot towards the nearest door, not even thinking about what could be behind it.

I'm pretty sure someone noticed because that person whispered, "Did you hear that?" Luckily, no one cared enough to go over and check it out. They were all too busy with their lives.

The room I entered was all dark, and I couldn't see a thing. I'm surprised there isn't a window in here because it's not that small. I think I could do about one cartwheel in here. That's not really a typical form of measurement, but it's good enough for me.

My hands scattered across the wall, trying to find a lantern. The sound of my finger nails clicking on glass gave it away that I found a lantern. Carefully, I lit it.

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