Chapter 12: This Place Is Bombing!

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Louis' movements were very discrete, making sure not to make even the slightest creak. I, on the other hand, am tall and kind of clumsy which doesn't fit well in this situation.

Louis dragged me inside of the garden. There are no homes in the garden! I know that because of that one walk I went with the White Queen. She was very informative about everything, but she never mentioned anything about a house, let alone anybody.

We've seemed to have reached the corner of the garden. There's nothing here but shrubs. This side seems under groomed compared to the rest of this place. Vines wrapped around every inch of the corner and weeds overpowered any flowers that were once there. The thing is, there's still no home here.

"You know..." Louis' voice trails off and he crouches down in front of a shrub. His fingers felt the grass until he found a crack and then opened up a secret door. The door was rusty and covered in moss. He hops back up and shakes off the dirt from his hands, then reaches out for mine. I hesitantly grabbed it. "Houses aren't always above ground," he continues. It's like Louis read my mind.

He leans over to look down the hole and then nods his head. He yanks my hand towards him to make sure I follow him and not run off. I'm not sure why would I run away from him. If anything, it's the complete opposite.

Carefully, he places a leg down on to what I'm assuming is a ladder. With Louis' unoccupied hand, he holds onto the ground to keep balance. As he descends down we still don't break away. Not quite sure why we're holding hands here anyways. I am just two steps behind him.

Louis skipped the last three steps and jumped down which broke our grip. My hand was now cold and craving what was once there. I hurry down so my hand can once again touch his.

The first thing I did was link our hands again which earned me a confused look from Louis, but he didn't let go. He actually squeezed my hand tighter.

Cold doesn't even begin to describe the temperature it was in here. It was to the point where my every breath was visible. It must have been at least below freezing. There's no clue to where this ventilation is coming from. Usually, it's warm underground. I tried to cover my chattering teeth and goosebumps as well as I can.

This place looked like a wine cellar. Steel bolted walls and a lot of shelves. They were filled with strange things like bent bottle caps or rusty springs. In a corner was a small wooden bookshelf. It only had two books in it. Both with colorful covers.

"Sorry, it's so cold. I just like the cold, t-that's all," Louis mumbles as he tidies the scatter papers on a stump and flips them overs. From the corner of my eye, they looked like drawings. What of? That I'm not sure, but there was a lot of red. Maybe roses, maybe not.

When he said that, he stuttered. Like he wasn't sure or he was not telling me something. Something he surely wants to brush aside, and I'll respect that.

My eyes search for a place to sit and settled for the very small bed. I feel like if I stood up on it, it'll break in a heartbeat. Splinters came out of it and some of the nails were bent. I would offer him a new bed, but that kind of friendly gesture is out of my reach at the moment. Actually, if I did have the power to, I'd offer more things to him then what he can do with.

"I wish I can offer you food, but I don't have any. Also, if you're wondering, this place use to be a bomb shelter," he sighs and he sits on the stump with the papers. Our hands broke apart once again, leaving the only warmth I had left, currently. Folding his hands and looking at them as if he was fighting something to say. It seems like we both have the same idea of giving each other things. The quiet grew louder.

Wait, a bomb shelter? Why was that built?

"It's fine," I assured him. In reality, I haven't eaten in two days, but I didn't mind. It was a bit awkward saying it a minute after his comment. Louis' eyes flickered up to meet mine for half and second and then rested back at his folded hands. Still contemplating on something. Not sure why the atmosphere is now cold between us, well literally and figuratively.

"Have you ever did something and just not cared?" Louis finally looks up at me. His eyes seemed lost but was also glistening with fresh tears. Tears that are not ready to fall, but are also not ready to calm. Half of me wanted to comfort him, but the other half wanted to leave him be.

He got up from the stump and paced around the small room. Studying each little strange object on the shelf as if he's never seen them before. I took the crown off and wiped the smudges away with my thumb, gently rising from the bed and walking over to him.

"I feel like the answer I'm going to say is not the answer you're looking for," I placed the crown on an empty shelf. The only shelf that was left. The White Queen didn't need it anyway. She just needed it stolen. Louis puts down the pen cap that was in his hands and tries to read my facial expression. Clearly, he wasn't getting a sign of anything.

"Well, let me word it differently," Louis quickly turns back to shelves. With his right hand, he centers the crown on the shelf. Still avoiding eye contact, he continues, "Have you ever done something that people would normally highly regret but you just don't. You want to regret it, but you just don't?"

I was still not quite sure where he was going with this. His breathing pattern was unsteady, but he's just waiting for me to say what he wants to hear. My words came out as "I-I-I d- I" and he just gave up. He looked hopeless. He looked like he was going to snap any second now.

"Haven't you heard the gossip, Harold?" He mocks my name. That's not even my name. It's just Harry. "Haven't you thought about what I said because I thought about what you said." Louis' words were harshly said. His eyes were glaring at me like a raven.

"Is this about the whole 'war is happening' thing? Yea, it crossed my mind, but why bring it up right now?" Louis and I are circling each other like wolves fighting. Just waiting for whoever is going to pounce first. Waiting on whoever is going to take the first bite.

"Maybe you're right about the whole third option thing, but I just don't want to see-" he stops in his place and takes a quick glance an old dagger that was placed next to a cream colored cloth. It appeared to be dusty so I'm assuming it isn't of any value to him. He runs his fingers through his hair and groans, "You know what? I shouldn't be dumping this on you! I don't even know what I'm going on about half of the time. I just- Things are going to change, deeply. All you are is some pretty boy born with a silver spoon in your mouth! It'll be best if you'll just leave Wonderland and never come back."

Those few words shattered me. They are echoing in my head like a traumatic flashback. "Leave Wonderland and never come back". I'm not sure what I did or say, but it hurt him. Louis is isolating himself in a corner just waiting for me to make my next move. Now I'm the one with the glistening eyes.

"I wish I could, Louis, I wish I could," was the last thing I said before dramatically leaving his cellar. Not even thinking about how I left the crown behind or how I heard a faint sob broke out the moment I jumped off of that last step.


A/N: Being sick is not fun! The beginning of the school year tests is not fun! What is fun is hitting 2k+ so thanks! Yet again I chose to include a pun in the chapter title, sue me.

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