Chapter 9: Pick a Side

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I thanked Liam and Niall for taking me to the bar and rushed out, no questions asked. Good thing too because I really don't want to explain myself to them. They might take it a different direction.

Should I meet Louis in the same place as yesterday or is that area closed off?

Before I could even head into the garden I heard the White Queen yell at me. She was waving her arms to get my attention. I turned towards her and decided that she's not going to come to me. I sighed and headed her way.

"I put your PJs on your bed. They're still Allison's, but you seem fine with them," she quickly says while running back inside. Is that all she had to say? Also, yet again with the random running. It looks impossible to do in those heals.

I was going to just go back out to the garden, but I decided to quickly get dressed in the PJs. This tux is too sweaty anyways.

I copied the White Queen's running motion as I paced up the stairs. Like yesterday, I used the railing to swing myself towards the door. Might as well give me a big rainbow lollipop and a tricycle.

The PJs were not the ones from yesterday. These were somehow more revealing. I was given a long sleeved gray crop top and white shorts. Shorts that are a little bit too high. I wouldn't want to be caught dead wearing this combo, but I guess I am tonight. Hopefully, not literally be caught dead. Although, that seems to be a possibility here in Wonderland.

My hair was down at the moment so I guess it'll stay down.

When I got outside, the familiar breeze crept up my chest, except I feel colder. My arms were crossed against my stomach trying to give myself just a little bit of warmth. I can practically hear Louis' comments on my outfit right now.

It was a quick hop, skip, and a jump to the garden. Running towards it doesn't help because it only made me colder. The air is so dry and freezing that I'm shivering now. The only thing that's keeping me relaxed is the faint sound of wind chimes. It's sweet song carried me towards the blood-stained bench.

Like last night, I was the first one here. I mean, the first one visibly here. For all I know Louis could be behind a fern, creeping up on me.

Well, I was wrong about the fern because today he was behind the bench for some reason. I didn't bother to ask because there was no purpose. He still has that classic mischievous grin on his face.

"Aw, I saw you in your tux for a second. I would just have adored to pull you closer by the tie," he strikes a pose while observing me. I unfold my arms and put them by my side. Louis was wearing the same thing as yesterday except his shoes seem to have gotten dirty. He continues his earlier statement, "Hmm you're just showing yourself off more and more. Are you trying to tease me because I feel like pouncing on you any second now."

My heart skips a beat on his comment. Part of me wants to reply with "do it". Most guys would have felt extremely uncomfortable by now, but I feel excited. I actually feel appreciated for once.

"Just trying to encourage you to do the same," I talked about my outfit. Oh my god, am I flirting back? Sooner or later him pouncing on me wouldn't just be a dream. I can even see him slightly blush some how in this lighting.

"As much as I like looking at you in this, you look like you're going to die of hypothermia," and like that he starts taking off his hoodie and putting it on me. His shirt lifted up for a moment and I caught a glimpse of his belly. It wasn't a carved out six pack, but it was better. Although, something of his that is carved out is his cheekbones and jawline.

The hoodie was already warm like him. It even had his smell of mint and cigarettes. My hands rested in the pockets and found gum wrappers with gum in them. Although, I was a bit grossed out I didn't mind that much. I noticed Louis was wearing a very baggy black long sleeved shirt. Like his shoes, it was visibly dirty.

Wonderland Makes Me Mad (Larry Stylinson) (Boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें