C H A P T E R 29

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Luna's interesting. She talks not too often, but when she does, her voice is dreamy and her mind seems to be a million miles away. I'm convinced that she's here to convey messages from other worlds. Like, if there were to be a world that was filled with little creatures that live in mistletoe and steal socks and shoes and babies lollipops, Luna has definitely been there and has came back to warn us that it's only a matter of time until they come here. Maybe they already are here, sneaking around and lurking behind you just waiting to get up to something. Maybe they're just tiny Fred's and George's, Sofia thought to herself. She cracks a smile at the thought, as Luna continues speaking.

  "Nobody else believes me. I see things that others don't. I see them because I observe. I notice the cracks in the earth and I follow them to the sources. They're are cracks everywhere, Sofia. They lead to mysteries yet to be solved and more are created so you can find the solution. How do you think we're here, at a school humans write books about and only dream to be true? A crack in the earth. That crack Leads here. There are many more, too. You just have to look closely."

Hearing Luna speak is enlightening. Sometimes it makes the nonsense Sofia says sound logical, but other times it makes her question everything about life and feel as ignorant as a small child.

"You're Right Luna. Cracks develop with each situation. You make a choice and a new crack is formed. Follow down that tiny sliver in the earths crust and a new outcome is to happen. Each decision affects us and changes us, so how do we know which path to follow?"

"You listen to what your mind says is logical and what your heart says is kind. You weigh the two out and see which matters more. When you decide that, you'll know what path to follow. You'll make a crack in the earth that leads you down the path you choose. You can do this, Sofia. You have time."

Luna slowly stands and says her goodbyes. Sofia didn't have to have a long conversation with Luna to be deeply impacted by her words. This time, just like most, they made an impact. The question now was, which mattered more?

To explain why this conversation started and why Sofia now had a decision to make, we must go back a little.

Not long before going to sit with Luna, Sofia received an owl from her parents. It was odd because they usually send a single letter per week, but this was given only one day after she had received her weekly letter. Puzzled, but happy to hear from them, she opened it.


       Before reading this, you must know not to share this letter with anyone. These days you must only trust yourself with secrets. Anyone could be against you and ready to sell you out for a simple pat on the head. Your father and I trust you with this though, and we trust you will make the right decision. You see, it is known throughout the wizarding world that he who shall not be named is on the rise. When you heard of Cedric Diggory's murder from Harry Potter, he was telling the truth. Some still don't believe him. Many don't, in fact. We need you to believe him though, so it is known to you what danger you are in. Danger we all are in. He who shall not be named is rising and killing any and all who he finds out is in his way. He is wanting complete power. He believes only pure bloods are acceptable in the Wizard world, as you know. Although we are a pure blood family, that doesn't mean we're safe. We are not on his team, and that's enough to get us all killed. For a few years now, your father and I Have been apart of the, "Wizards Protection Program." We have wanted to tell you but, afraid you were too young, decided to keep it to ourselves. Now, you are 16. You're not a child anymore and you deserve to know what is happening in your home and all around you. A war is coming. We don't know how soon but we have to try and make it easier for us at all costs. Anyone on He who shall not be names team is to be killed by us and all other members in the WPP. Azkaban is fully filled and as we have recently found out, students at Hogwarts are joining his team. You are not safe. No room is left for them in Azkaban. Over the next year we expect at least a third of your year (along with their families) to be secretly working with him to build his army. We want you in training to protect yourself, and join the WPP once you reach sixth year. It is a lot of pressure, we know. Killing should never have to be the answer, but in days like this, it is. Your closest friend could secretly be your enemy. Watch out for those around you. Notice suspicious behaviors. Find the cracks. Once you do, you will know if joining our program is the right decision. You will find out more over your next break when you arrive home. We would have told you then, but hearing that Umbridge is up to suspicious behaviors, we decided it was time to inform you now. It is up to you, my doll. We hope you make the right choice.

           With much love, mom and dad

Now walking back from her conversation with Luna, Sofia was at a war in her mind. She had not gave Luna any details, even though she knew she could have trusted her. Sofia simply told her that her parents had left a heavy decision on her and she could not decide the right way to go. Her heart did not want to kill anyone. She understood the need to. With no room in Azkaban and thousands of people joining Voldemorts army, there was not much of an option. They had to try and prevent war, or at least decrease the impact of it, but at what cost? A third of her year could die because they were manipulated into believing something that had been wired into their brains from people they trusted and loved. Was this just as bad as what Voldemorts army was doing? Sofia couldn't think straight. She was so young. She just wanted to have fun and enjoy her time as a kid.

That dream was over though.
No matter what she decided to do,
What side she chose to join,
War was coming.
And there was no way to stop it.

Well look who decided to upload a year and a half later 😎 gotta keep the people wanting more, Y'know? I hope you liked it and I hope my writing has improved from the shit it was. If there are any typos right now, I'm sorry, I'm in class and can't proofread atm. I will go back and edit anything that needs to be edited after I'm done. Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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