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The week passed slowly, and Sofia finished her astronomy assignment just in time. At the moment she was walking to astronomy ready to present her findings of information.

She was the first first one in the class as usual so she took her seat and began going through her notes checking over everything.

Students began filling up the classroom and although Sofia had always been quite introverted she was not scared to present a presentation. Simply because she knew she was very smart.

Draco came strolling into class and as usual he took his seat beside Sofia. Everyone had begun to wonder why he always followed the unknown girl around and figured it was just the next girl he was trying to convince to hook up with him.

Luckily for him she was beginning to warm up to the blonde Slytherin. Only for her sake though, she just didn't want to wear herself out by being sour towards him all day. There was really no point.

"Hi, Malfoy." Sofia said getting a smirk from Draco which he was using to cover the smile that was trying to creep up onto his face.

"First time you've said hey to me first, I think someone is warming up to me."

"If thinking that helps you sleep at night then sure," Sofia shrugged.

"Ok, everyone is here I see" Ms.Sinistra said scanning the room with her eyes one last time to make sure. "Very well, we will be starting our presentations right about now. First up" she paused to look into her chart. "Alana Sailor" the Slytherin got up and walked to the front of the room.

She started her presentations which Draco zoned out of very quickly. He smirked to himself while lightly kicking Sofia's foot from under the table. She furrowed her eyebrows looking at him witch confusion before kicking back and looking away.

This continued as the next few presentations were done. "Draco Malfoy" Ms.Sinistra called snapping him out of this immature game of footsies he was playing.

"I didn't do it." Draco simply stated looking directly at the teacher. "A repeat of last year. I expected better from you, detention on Saturday at 6 P.M."

Draco nodded not giving a care in the world, "well then, Sofia Rose" the girl got up from her seat and walked to the front of the class as she repeated what she wrote down in her mind.

As the girl turned around to face the class a loud whistle came from Draco's mouth causing her to snap her head to look at him snickering.

Her face turned bright red and she then cleared her throat. "Scorpius and Orion are often intertwined in Greek mythology. According to one myth, Orion boasted that he would kill every animal on the earth. The goddess-hunter Artemis and her mother, Leto, dispatched a scorpion to kill Orion. Zeus put the scorpion in the heavens after it won the battle." The teacher looked at her fairly impressed seeing as not many other children had said that much information.

"The constellation Scorpius, the scorpion, is located in the southern hemisphere of the sky. It can be seen in summer from the northern hemisphere, but is low in the sky and is best seen from the southern hemisphere or southern United States. It is visible at latitudes between 40 degrees and -90 degrees."

"Orion is clearly visible in the night sky from November to February. Orion is in the southwestern sky if you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the northwestern sky if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. It is best seen between latitudes 85 and minus 75 degrees."

"And lastly, an interesting fact I learned is that muggles came up with constellations as early as 8th century BC."

The class clapped for her. Not loud though, such as though they were bored and felt it would be rude not to clap. Draco was different though. He clapped loudly for her and it wasn't a clap that sounded of boredom. That made her smile. It seemed as if someone actually cared.

"Very good Ms.Rose, you can take a seat." Sofia nodded and headed back to her seat beside Draco. "That was... a lot. But very good"

"Thank you"

A few more students went and class was dismissed. Sofia and Draco walked out together and into the halls heading towards the dorms. Before they had to turn separate ways Draco looked at the girl, "I hope to see you cheering for me later," then giving a slight wink.

"Don't get your hopes up," Sofia lightly laughed in a teasing manner then turning to go up the stairs and to the Ravenclaws dorms to get changed.

Sorry, this was a filler chapter. I will be updating once again later today just so you have an interesting chapter to read. (:

𝓘𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 | A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now