Chapter 5 - Friend or Enemy

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"Oh.. we met again"  The young lad lowered the window to greet the latter.


"Yohoo! " He continued.

Irene just kept walking and acted like nothing just happened. She wasn't sure if this man was talking to him.

"What the? Can't you see me?" He continuesly waved his hand.
He beeped his car like there's no tomorrow after she ignored him. He even checked his reflection in the mirror just to make sure he's still alive.

Irene got startled and had to remove her wired earphones.

"Oh you had your earphones on?" He felt bad.

"Hey. What is up with you?" She said in monotone as she stared deadly at him.

She's cute

"Good morning to you too! " The young lad sarcastically replied.

"Get lost." Irene kept walking without hearing his answer, so the young lad drove the car as he follows her all the way to school.

"Hey! Wait up! Did you forgot about me? How could you?! " The young lad protested in dismay.

"The hell I care if whose son are you." The boredom in her voice is clearly deafening. She took off her wired earphones and fixed it well done to her ears.

"Well you have to guess... I - I'm sure you're just pretending not to remember. " The young lad was convinced  that she's just pretending to not know him. You can also say that he's just forcing it.

"I think you should change your wired earphones to wireless one. I can lend you mine. Trust me it's more convenient. " Jennie showed off her wireless earphones on her ears.

"I don't see any earphone from your left ear?" Irene raised her left brow. Figuring out she differently just lost it on her way.

"What?! It was a pair earlier?! Where could have I left it?"  She felt dumbfounded as she searched for it on her small bag.

"Convenient huh?" Irene sarcastically said.

"I-  I ts  nothing I can buy another one later." She consoled herself.

"Yeah  right. Why don't you just buy a whole factory of wireless earphones.? It will be more convenient for you I think." Jennie just stayed quiet remembering how many times she lost her so called 'convenient' wireless earphones.

"Oh that's Junmyeon right? " Jennie successfully changed the topic. She pointed using her lips. She  heaved a sigh when Irene paid attention.

" J- jun?- oh the weapon thief?" She finally acknowledged his existence. This time she took off her earphones and shoved it to her bag.

"Excuse me? I can hear you Irene? My name is J.U.N.M.Y.E.O.N not ' Weapon thief'. "

"Okay  then..." Suho felt relieved after hearing what she said. " JUNMYEON the Weapon thief " Irene added.


"You  can't blame her. You really do steal weapons. I'm sure she won't forget about you this time." Suho was confused if she's trying to make her feel better or just telling the truth. It's the truth though.

"I  really hope so, even you. I hope everyone else doesn't." The girls kept quiet after the sudden change of tone from his voice. 

"Yeah. Whatever." Jennie grabbed Irene's wrist when she heard the bell. They're running late.

"Oh wow! How come you two are all this clingy together? " Nayeon gasped after witnessing Irene and Jennie together.

"Well, thanks to the new system ."  Jennie answered motioning Irene to say something.

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