Chapter 7 - The antidote

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It was now 5 am in the morning alarming everyone to wake up. "What's with them?" Taeyung groaned as he ruffled his hair. His starting to lose his temper. He's clearly not a morning person as you can see.

"Hey?! Didn't you hear the bell? Get out before we break the door. " The two people banging the door warned.

" Do they think we are in military service? Crazy bast- " He paused when his eyes laid on now sleeping like a baby Irene on the other bed next to him. " So she fall asleep in the end? I really had a hard time sleeping because of his whining and now these people are bugging my sleep." He whispered thinking he might wake her up.

"Hey? What is this? " He looked back to shut the door very carefully not even making a noise. " We have a -"

"Hey. Can't you make your voice down? It's not like I can't hear you or something. " He cleared his ears mockingly basically his way of telling them his loud voice hurts his ears.

Before he could say another word he pushed him back making sure it's only him he could talk to. He took him somewhere quiet.

"This is far enough. Say it."

"Well, we have a morning exercise to be followed in the memo. Don't be a thug here, you have to follow the president's order too. " One of the guys stated, He was obviously being scared for his life. All of them knows Taeyung well, he's not the type to follow rules. He goes on his way not even minding who he stomps to.

"Is that so?" He smirked as he poked his left chest.

"Hey. L- let's j- just go." The one she's with stuttered.

"Those ugly dogs. " He mumbled.

When he went back to the room, Irene whom he is expecting to be fast asleep is already gone. "What the ? Where did she-"

"Looking for me? " His soul almost left his body from being startled. She was already in her appropriate outfit too, Gray jogging pants paired with a gray jacket and a high ponytail.

"Hey. Can you not stare at me like that?." She raised a brow but didn't wait for his response. She turned her back and proceeded to go away. They are running late. She is a type who doesn't like her time being wasted.

"Aren't you coming? " She stopped walking when she noticed he didn't moved an inch. He was just there where she left her.

Why would I? I better just sleep.

" Whatever you sleepy head. " Irene muttered when she saw Nayeon approaching her and went where she is.

"Oh? Taeyung Hyung is here too?! " Jungkook squealed. He never expected him to be participating in the early morning exercise. He wrapped his arms around him making Taeyung cough from how tight his embrace is. "Sorry sorry " He quickly retreated his hand.

He noticed that it's only boys where they are now. He cleared his throat acting like he's just curious. "Where are the others?"

"What the! Is there someone you wish to see here?" He teased.  It's making Taeyung uncomfortable so he stopped the tease.

"Hyung don't be so serious. I'm just trying to lift up the mood."

"Hey  whatever. Don't be so fussy and answer when I am being nice to you." He deadpanned.

"Do you expect the guys here to focus on their task with the girls around? They're probably in other place away from us. " He said while scanning the boys around judging them from head to toe.

"Hyung. That's Kang Dan right? I think he's going this way." He panicked. Jungkook is not as tough as Taeyung's other 'friends' .

"Ayo! Chill, we're not here to pick a fight. We are just jogging around too." He snickered with Mingyu beside him. It surprised him that he brought Mingyu back to his group that quick.

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