Chapter 13

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No one's POV

As both Eric and Lix gone somewhere they were stopped by a group who seems to know the other boy, which Lix got a bit confused.

"Hey, Eric...oh isn't this-"

"Jayden hyung, hey guys this is Lix. Lix these are the Hyungs from my assigned unit." Lix waved shyly as all of them awed.

"Hey I'm Jayden, just call me Hyung, the oldest one here. Then there's Jacob..."

"Hi, you can call me Hyung too..." Lix nodded and smiled as he looked at the next person. "I'm Jerry."

"Hi, I'm Joel and this man behind me is Kevin." The said man who was on Joel's back, having his piggy back ride, just waved his hand at Lix.

"I'm New!"

"Hi! I'm Brian and this is Joe."


"Everyone is a hyung except for me and joe!" Eric added

Lix was grateful to meet new people again and to have more Hyungs. Eric seems to be looking for someone who caught the attention of everyone.

"You okay, Eric?" New asked

"Oh, have you seen James hyung?"

"Ah, right he has something to do so he'll be a bit late!" Jayden assured but before Eric could acknowledge it, someone from a far shouted.


"Oh there you are!" Jerry said smiling the cute guy who's catching his breath. "So Lix this is..." Brian was about to introduce the other when the said guys jumped and hugged the younger.

"Hi, I'm James and you can call me James-hyung~"

Lix was a bit surprised but said hi as well. "Sorry Lix, this guy is just clingy." New said as he removed the said guy from the other and held on him tight, as for the others they find him cute and hilarious. James kept on struggling from New's Hold, but was stopped when a certain red hair approached them.

All of them bowed their heads in respect, which the other returned. Lix looked at the person and asked..."Hyung, i thought you we're still asleep. You okay right?" He was so concerned which the other find amusing, but held his expression in, afraid for the others to see.

"I'm fine, I see you got accquainted with Jayden Hyung's unit." Sam said as he looked at the leader with his professional smile on. "Yes, boss."

"Hyung, I told you just call me by my name." The red haired complained but Jayden could only chuckle in response. Knowing the other won't do so, Sam sighed and looked at the other, which his eyes landed particularly to the shortest one, held by New.

James is staring at the boss so much that Lix noticed. "It's been a while since we've seen each other. I came to ask you guys to join me later tonight."

Everyone nodded their heads waiting for his instructions. "Since the unit one has been through a lot today I'll let them have a rest, so it's unit two's work this time."

"It would be an honor, boss. Right, hyung?!" Jacob said as he wrapped his arm on Jayden's shoulder. "Yeah!"

"Well then, let's have a meeting shall we? Oh Lix you can join the others and rest for to-"

"No, I'll go with you." Sam was surprised to hear the younger's words, he then turn towards him and smiled a bit. "You sure about that?"

The younger nodded. "Well then..." He said before walking towards his office where the meeting will take place. Lix breath out the air he didn't notice he was holding onto, as Eric held his shoulder. "Let's do our best then, can't wait to work with you." He giggled and Lix did as well.

All of them got inside and took seats or a place they could stand. Sam took his chair behind the table, as for Lix he leaned on the wall right beside the door.

James got up and went towards a door right behind the boss, but instead of turning the knob, he turned around and went towards the boss.

"B-boss, do you want some coffee?" He asked as he stuttered. Whenever Sky isn't around, it was James who prepares the boss' coffee and even meals.

"Sure...prepare for the others as well." James smiled brightly as he nodded his head, before going inside the other room fast. The others again find the said male cute, though Lix felt something was not right, and a certain someone was staring at the said male feeling a little pain on his heart. (Who is this certain someone, hmmmm?)

"Hyung, here." Sam said as he gave Jayden a folder, containing their mission tonight.

"This mission is from the main family, they have gathered information that the Mamba's along with some underground groups from different countries, will gather somewhere in our territory."

Everyone gulped in fear as the atmosphere suddenly changed, Lix felt it and was a bit terrified, he looked at the red head who is definitely angry. "And there seems to be a mole inside, but you don't need to worry about them the unit three is going to take care of those pest."

They stopped for a while as James got back with their coffees. "Here you go, boss."

Sam looked at the younger and ruffles his hair. "Thanks!"

Lix got jealous, he frowned a bit which Sam noticed. He likes to tease the younger. "Timothy Hernandez, an unknown inventor from spain was recruited by the Mamba's and their allies to make high grade weapons and does experiment to their men."

Sam took a sip of his coffee before looking at everyone and continued on. "Our mission is to infiltrate the said event and take the inventor from them. It would be a danger to us and to the whole family if they'll be able to finish those destructive weapons. It will be the end to all of us."

Lix's POV

The family, Peter taught me everything about it. There's a main family and a minor family. The main family consist of four groups, while the minor family is divided into three, STRAYS, TXT AND NCT, which also consist of units. The Main family in particular are the strongest, that they're taking missions outside the country which makes the minor family takes the job within the country. South, East and West is over taken by us, meanwhile the North is something the family is trying to have as well.

Overrun by the Mamba's and their allies, it's a troublesome work in which cannot be solved within the country which is why the main family's mission takes place outside. But this time, Peter even assured that a battle between the Family and the Mamba's will take place and there's a good chance the Family will succeed.

Afterall, Everyone is a Criminal and nothing is impossible for a criminal.


'Thinking so deeply? What is in your head, Mr. Lix?!'


Is the story confusing? Please do tell me down the comment section so I can edit it as soon as possible!

I have no time to edit this part because I'm very busy at the moment, but I can't make you guys wait for more days as this is a gift of mine to all of you! Thank you!!!💜

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