The road to Milo

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"So we have to go through Galar Mine No.1.." mutters N as he tried to figure out how to get to Turifield. "So let's go through there!" Shouts Butch as he runs through the mine. James laughed and ran after him.

"So this place is the mine. Damn it's pretty!" Exclaims Domino as she walks through the mine. As they were walking they saw the two feminine boys. "Well I'm the better psychic type users!" Scoffs Top Hat. "Well I was endorsed by the Chairman. Therefore I'm better!" Scowls Granny.

"So what's y'all's names?" Asks James clearly not giving a fuck about what was happening. "I'm Bede and Mr Top Hat over here is Avery." Scoffs Bede. "I am more elegant might I add." Flaunts Avery proudly. James noticed Avery glancing at N. "Well hate to break it but I'm better then both of you guys combined." Brags James.

This sent Bede into a rage Avery was scowling shocked. "Really?! What makes you say that?!" Shouts Bede as he grabs a Great Ball. "Well I am a Champion. After the I win the title here I'll do it in the other regions." Boasts James as he grabs his Poke Ball. Avery said nothing and just stood there looking at N. "Quit looking at my boyfriend Mr Top Hat!" Shouts James.

"My name is AVERY!" He shouts the poke balls around his hat went crazy. "Well stop looking at him!" Shouts James as he sends out Bloodfur. "Well you've got yourself a battle!" Shouts Bede as he sends out Hattena. Avery sent out Slowpoke who yawned in excitement.

"Bloodfur use Hyper Voice!" Shouts James. Suddenly he let out an ear-splitting cry. Everyone had to cover there ears except James. Both Pokémon fainted. Bloodfur growled in happiness. "Ruthless aren't you?" Scolded Bede as he left. Avery made one quick glance at N and left. "Well those two are...unique. Especially Avery." Comments N. James noticed a hint of happiness when N said Avery.

"There's Turifield!" Shouts Domino as she runs off pushing Avery and Bede. James and them were close behind. "Rude." Shouts Bede when he notices Avery following them. "Hey were are you going?!" Demands Bede as he grabs Avery's hand. "Turifield duh." Scoffs Avery. "No your following that guy named N I know you are." Shouts Bede angrily in his ear.

"So what if I am?" Snarls Avery as he jerks away and runs off bumping into Jessie who trips on a rock. (Jessie the klutz!) "Sorry about that." Apologizes Avery and offers to help her up. She refuses and ignores him. "What the fuck?!" Shouts Avery as they walk off.

"So James you going to challenge Milo immediately?" Asks Cassidy as she strokes Torracat. "Yes I don't need to prepare." Answers James calmly running his fingers through her hair. "James that weirdo is following us." Shouts Jessie as she points to Avery. "So? He's probably going to challenge Milo too." States James as he spots him.

"So your here to challenge me?" Asks Milo as James enters the battlefield. "Yes and don't worry you'll lose!" Boast James as he sends out Cassidy his Nickit who growled menacingly at Milo. He sent out Glossifeur who did a little dance.

------N's POV-----
He was sure James would win.

He has to! He's the champion for fucks sake! I wonder why Avery kept looking at me like I was hot stuff though.

He didn't have time to think about Avery cause the battle had started. "Mind if I sit next to you?" Asks a familiar voice. N turned his head around to see Avery standing. "Of course Avery it'd be my pleasure." Replies N smiling as Avery sat down beside him.

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