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While getting the tour, James is really only talking to Steve. I'm spaced out, looking at the various amounts of bedrooms. I'm still pondering why their are children's shoes at the front door. 

"Mr. Barnes?" I ask before he turns around and stops his discussion with Steve. I look back to him and his eyes were focused, like everything I had to say or ask was his first priority. It wasn't, he was just being kind. And trying not to get further on my hate list. 

"Yes Avery?" 

"Why were their children sized shoes at the front?" I ask while glancing between Steve and James. He perks one of his eyebrows before forming an O shape with his mouth. 

"Oh, we have childcare for some of the mom's that work here." 

He wasn't kidding when he said family was important. 

"Where's child care?" I ask more interested. 

I always had a way with kids. I could never put a finger on it. Mom always said it was because broken people have the best hearts. Joseph just said because I looked weird and kids liked weird. I didn't deny either of their opinions but preferred Moms. I felt like a magnet with kids. When growing up, I would always sit at the kids table willingly because  the kid's cared more about me than the rest of the family. 

"Down this hall, we can go take a look if you'd like?" He asks. 

"I'd appreciate that." I say while crossing my arms back over my chest. I follow James and Steve down a black hallway filled with photos of families. Some have James in them, some don't. One catches my eyes. It was James with a baby girl in his hands next to a woman. Maybe wife, but there was no ring on his finger. 

Suddenly we were in another world. One door changed the scene. Like Narnia. It was like another house. The theme, aesthetic, and overall feel of the new setting was overwhelming almost. There was a little girl that took notice to James' presence. She had run out of a woman's arms and ran to James, who was just as eager to see her. He walked up to her and spun her in the air a few times before holding her to his chest. She giggled and laughed the entire time as the woman stood from her knees, and joined the pair. 

"Okay Tess, give him some room to breathe." The stranger told  to who I assume is her daughter. The woman was short, not too short, but shorter than James. 5'5 at best. She was fair with her skin that held a few tattoos, one on her wrist that wrote out Tess. Her brown hair was wavy and just past shoulder length. She had blue eyes, like James but less like steel and more like a blue jay. It was a fascinating mix of blues.  

"Good afternoon to you too Bex." James says to the woman. She hits his arm with a playful punch before taking Tess out of his hands. 

Definitely siblings.

"Meet our new hitmen, the Avery Siblings." He says, waving his hand towards me and Steve. He reaches his hand out of his pocket to accept the handshake she was extending. 

"Becca, James' sister." She says with a smile, showing her perfectly align teeth and the dimple on her right side. 

"Steve. Nice to meet you Becca." She reaches her hand out to me and I let go of my arm and shake hers. 

"You can just call me Avery, it's great to meet you." I offer with a smile. Hers grows wider and she rests her hand back to her side. 

"You're part of the new hitmen crew?" She asks and we nod. "You're the first female hitman we've ever had here." She mentions. 

I lift an eyebrow towards James, who was playing with Tess. He looks back to me and nods. "Yeah, actually you are. Did you want a look around?" He asks while moving slightly to side for a better path to the bright room. I shake my head before answering. 

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐛.𝐛)Where stories live. Discover now