Green Grass

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Scouts pov

The car ride to work was quiet. I realized last night I was being dramatic and made a plan to apologize at home.

But I'm still caught up on Bibi.

James obviously know who she is. I want to know.

I head down to the daycare before James can stop me. And to my surprise she's there. She hasn't been since the day I met her. I head to the corner she's at and sit next to her.

"You're back." I say calmly, looking at the toys surrounded by her.

"Not by choice. I like your vest." She says, turning to me and patting my pockets.

"Thanks. Can I ask you some questions, Bibi?"

She shrugged while opening an empty pocket and closing it again. She continued the cycle.

"Do either of your parents work here?"

Her head shakes left to right. "No, that lady in the corner keeps bringing me." She points to Bex.

"She knows you?"

"Yup. She picks me up every Monday from the foster system. Your boss doesn't like me very much but she does."

I nod my head still wildly confused. A few knocks came to the door and it's Sharon with boxing gloves.

"Training." She says before cringing at the kids and shutting the door. I sigh and stand up.

"I'll be back Bibi, stay here, okay?"

She nods her head and looks at the kaleidoscope again.

"Bex, you're coming to dinner tonight." I say while walking out. I hear a small cheer and chuckle before catching up to Sharon.

"You ready?"

"Probably not." I reply before we laugh and job to the boxing ring.

——————- 1 hour later - ——————

"I need a taco." Sharon mumbles before rolling off the ring onto the mat.

"C'mon, I'll carry you to the kitchen." I laugh while pressing my sweating red cheek to the cold floor.

We very slowly and very loudly carey ourselves out of the gym and drag our feet to the kitchen.

Steve and Peggy were already there. And James was walking down the office hall.

"Everyone on lunch?" Sharon asked.

James cursed at his phone before shoving it in his pocket and standing next to me at the end of the island. Sharon sat down as my favorite cook walks out of his hiding spot.

"Chef! Whip her up a taco." I say with a lovely smile. He gives me a nod and heads to the stove.

I glance over to my brother and his unofficial girlfriend laughing and eating their burgers.

"Bex is coming to dinner tonight." I say to James.

"Why?" He says defensively.

I look up to him. "Bibi." I say. I watched his eyes roll and glare at me. It looked like he was battling himself in his eyes.

"Fine." He spits before heading to the fridge and grabbing two water bottles.

I smile before grabbing a bottle and watched the taco hit my nose as Chef sat the warm plate infront of Sharon. Her face melted with a smile
as she bit into the hard shell.

For the rest of the day, James kept me to his office for meetings. Though I wanted to go check on Bibi, I peeked into the daycare before the first meeting, and she left.

Sam and I have had multiple rock paper scissors wars, thumb wars, arm wrestles, and staring contests during and in between meetings. Though James tried to hide it, he very entertained.

After 5 meetings, James and I started home and we had apologized to each other. Gia called and told me she is going out tonight so I decided to stick with James tonight. Steve has been ignoring me for some reason so I figured I'd give him some time.

He always ignores me around this time of year. He shuts nearly everyone out. Thursday is Mom's memorial. Meaning we have to fly home.

Except we can't this year. Since James has an event that needs high security. We're still not entirely aware but we know it's in Mexico and we're leaving Wednesday morning for our flight.

Steve isn't too happy. From what I know, he's begged James to give him an out. But u less we can find someone so last minute, it's not gonna happen.

"What do you want for dinner?" James asks. He pulls into his garage and I snap back to the car.

"Italian." I ask. He nods his head and we both get out of the car in sync. I laughed it off and he looked at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" He asked with a dry laugh.

"Nothin'" I say, fading my laugh. He shook his head and walked inside, kicking his shoes off and Alpine was behind him. Then I.

I sat at the island and texted Gia to send me her location just in case. After she sent it, I watched James as he started dinner.

He has a routine, as what I see.

1. unbuttons his sleeves and shirt.
2. messes his hair up just a little.
3. throws his belt over the island chair closets to him.
4. pour a glass of bourbon.
5. start dinner.

It was an interesting routine, but oddly mesmerizing all the same.

He continued with dinner and I couldn't take my eyes off. He does it so gracefully. Like he's a professional. He would catch me eyeing him and just laugh and shake it off.

The a knock to the door came and I beat James before he could ask me to get it.

"Scout!" Becca said as she holds her littlest in her hands. She waved and then ran and chased the cat.

"Becca! C'mon in, we have a lot to talk about. Hope you like Italian." I say, taking her coat.

"Is grass green?" She jokes before following into the kitchen.

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