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The interior of Natasha Romonaffs building was the epitome of Victorian. A curved staircase met the entry with some wallpaper that wasn't work out but clean and smooth, as if it was from the 1940's. Green and blue flowers met the white dusty baseboards. Grainy textures met authentic wooden floors the creaked anytime James and I stepped into other rooms. Velvet chairs that were pink and red, mahogany dining tables and beige cabinets. The granite was old and had some cracks on the island. There was a drop of blood on the corner of the island that James just barely missed. The staircase was just as creaky as the regular floors, if not creakier.

As we silently, the stairs not so much, made our way to the basement, we met sleek and black floors that clicked as my red bottoms made their way across the floor. A black leather couches we passed to enter a bar, where a woman with red hair was, the back of her dress facing us. Her dress was nicer than mine, definitely satin. She had on tights and black heels.

Another woman walked in, but she was blonde. Her eyes were soft until they met James, then they pierced and she winced to the redhead. The blonde was a bit more broader than the redhead. She also was not dressed up like the three of us Something I'm still confused about.

"Natasha," The blonde says, catching the others attention. Fingers pointed at us and Natasha turns around to face us.

"Ah, James Barnes. Lovely to see you again." Natasha says with a knife and a smile. I hope that the knife doesn't get out to use today because I'm cramping and don't want to deal with that.

"Good Afternoon Natasha."

The knife is now pointed at me. "And you are?"


She hummed in confusion before turning around a little too happy with that knife and replacing it with a little board of cucumbers, cheese, and crackers. All of my favorites.

The blonde eyes James, and he does the same. "Let's sit." Natasha says. The blonde stays planted by the counter. I stand behind James, about a foot left from him.

Suddenly, The blonde and I have a staring contest. She hasn't blinked yet and with my thin eyes, I doubt she'd be able to see me blink. But if she's trained like I think she is, she would have a knife at my throat before I could even duck.

"Alright James. It seems you and I are here for an refill."

"Seems so. I also have other matters I'd like to discuss with you before." He glared at the blonde. "Alone."

Natasha turned her head and nodded the blonde out the door. She rolls her eyes and flips off James before leaving. I follow her before James even looks to me.

The blonde and I stand out in the bathroom that happens to be larger than I thought. I was getting  quite hot in the skin tight dress I still don't know why I'm wearing.

"Yelena. Natasha's sister." the blonde blurted out.  I pause my questions running in my head and introduce myself.

"Avery. James' personal and hit woman."

"Intriguing. Figured you were dating."

"God no. Love isn't my thing." I bluntly admit.

She chuckles and lets her shoulders fall a bit. As she talks, I start hearing a heavy Russian accent coming through.


"Born and raised. You?"

"I've been. Beautiful city, Moscow is."

She nods her head. I won't tell her that I went to to finish a job.

I don't mind when people run away from their problems, gives me a reason to at least kill them with a scenic view.

"What's with the dress and heels?"

"I'm not sure. James picked it out for me."

She rolled her eyes and dryly laughed, just once. "Another reason I don't like him."

Now, I'm intrigued. "Why's that?"

"He has a grudge against me because men will be men."

True, but not enough information I want to know. "What'd you do?" I ask crossing my arms across my chest, leaning against the bathroom door.

"Unintentionally blew up his wife and daughter."


Woah woah.

I never had even considered James having a daughter. I never considered James being married. He doesn't seem too sentimental with anyone, not even his sister.

Well, maybe that's cause he lost his wife.

"You can come out now." Natasha screams from the kitchen area. I cough and give Yelena an affirming nod before we both straighten our shoulders and leave the bathroom.

Now when I catch James' eyes, I don't know what I see.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐛.𝐛)Where stories live. Discover now