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The golden light shone the room. 

"Ugh" a light groan could be heard from one of the nights of favonious. A night had been taken to do paperwork . The whole night. Thought they enjoyed protecting the people and he did love his coworkers. They worked to cope, and when they got stressed with work, they worked more.

You looked down at the stack of paper you had to turn into jean's care. Your eyes stung with the little rest you had gotten all week . The week seem to pile work on you faster than you get anything done for the Anemoi Festival.  Where everyone gets together and celebrates life and barbatos. But for you it just meant more paperwork for you. 

The life yo had been given had not been glamouros nor had it been the worst of the worst. You had one life, and gosh-darn-it, you did not want "Mediocre Y/n" to be put on your tombstone. You had made your mark in life, and now you are paying for it. 

Maybe you should've taken mediocre with pride. Who knows maybe this life you worked so hard to get was not worth it in the end. Just paperwork, for what? Maybe for some glorified title? You didn't dare ponder to much on the possiblities of how your life would turn out. You didn't want to live life, and not stop and spell the flowers. Living life as happy as you could was your goal, leaving no room for existential dread.  Totally healthy. yep.

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