Part 8

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so obvious  to everyone else


"wow, your dense" venti said taking a bite of a pastry , before glancing at his wrist " welp , it's time for me to go". And with that he skipped away. Leaving you flabbergasted. "you - YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A WATCH! " You yelled after him. 

Atleast he cleaned up  you thought. "well I guess I have to find something to do now " and with that you went to the knight's headquarters. Not to work , but to grab your artbook that you had started awhile ago. it was more for some random notes, nothing to substantial.  

As you skipped your way back to monstadt you decided now would be an amazing time to take in your surroundings. The pretty flowers made you really want to stay longer but you knew that you could stay all you want when you could when you had your art book. 

a very peaceful 10-15 minute walk later you were met by the guards at the gate of the city greeted you with a bow. " Please don't " you said semi-quietly hoping they would just not treat you like god. "O-Oh sorry " one of the the female guards said blushing. Oh my archons I cant believe this is happening  again. That thought sprung across your mind and soured your mood.  " it's alright, just don't let it happen again.. " you tried to sound sweet but in all honesty you hated the feeling of being put on a pedastool. 

" well what to do - oh right I need to grab my notebook" you half-laugh/half-sighed as you walked into the city. You eyed the main plaza. " I wonder what the other knights are doing right now " your eyes keep wondering until you found out rider amber.

 " Hi amber!!! " you called over to the outrider. " oh hey y/n! " she called back. "what are you doing on this fine afternoon ?" amber asked you. " I was just about to ask you ! but I'm just wondering right now, not much to do for me - I was just about to head up to the headquarters to grab some of my stuff" you sheepishly replied.

 " Your not gonna work right?" she shot you a playful look, but there was a dark aura around her. You saw that little twitch in her eye. It startled you to see her kind demeanor to be broken.          "  o-of course not amber, I am not about to go against the call of jean " you struggled to keep that stutter in. That little glitch in her personality made you shudder. 

"okay!" her happy personality came back in full swing. " shizz that was horrifying" you muttered the color in your face returning returning as you could tell it had drained quite a few moments ago. 

" right , my art " you tried refocusing. Tried. As you jogged your way back to the headquarters. You finally shook off the fear as you pushed the door opened the dory to the cold hallways of the headquarters. You glanced at everyone's doors and their dedicated areas. The hall as onces already said , was cold. The sun shone thrugh the window, but even just by looking you could tell that the temp was below 60 Fahrenheit/15 Celsius . 

The cool tiles reflected the suns rays all around the hall. You steadily headed over to your office. The door opened with a eery creek. You office almost looked the same as when you left it. Excpet the papers. oh the stacks of papers and papers. All gone now. you were concerned on how all that work had been divided up. 

you wondered if it had all been put on jean or maybe the rest of the crew had gotten some too. You hoped she hadn't gotten all of the work. That would really suck for her. 

You went through the room until you found your art stuff. it was weird that everything was so scattered. everything seemed to be put in different areas. Even the cup of pens on the desk was moved to the other side of said desk. The pictures had been moved in their place. Seemingly switching places on the wall. it was odd for your room to be in this sort of disarray. 

And most importantly your art book. You had kept it in the right side drawer in your desk. But , now it was on the book shelf across the room. The horrible idea of someone going through your private belongings was quite the horror. 

Considering the events of Diluc's birthday "party". party in quotes, because realistically  it was Lisa, venti, and kaeya getting drunk.  you meant that respectfully of course. You flipped through the pages in your notebook to check for any disturbances. on the last page where you had drawn Diluc

Yep. You noticed small watter droplets on the page. Odd. Better question on what it was.. could those be tears? Better question is why was It even in the building. because if any can recall you had it at the party. And you distinctly remember putting it back in your bag. So how in the fresh hell did it end up here.

The only reason you were able to assume it was here is because you couldn't find it in the  morning. Why was it here? and why the HELL were there possible tear drops on the page?   Your thoughts were interrupted by the creaking of the same door you entered in. "Y/n?" jeans voice called in. " oh , hi headmaster jean " you turned around and gave a curt bow. 

" What are you doing here? " she asked , you had turned your back at this point. but you knew her voice was strained to try and sound happy and nice and pretty. You were grabbing your supplies when you finally replied. " I'm  just grabbing some of  my art supplies ". you had grabbed all of your art supplies . Oh my . 




word count: 1025

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