part 9

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Oh my .

Her eyes were red. Crying red. You could now see why her voiced was strained. Your eyes lingered for a moment. Unable to speak. After a moment of silence , you finally spoke. " jean, are you okay? " you were genuinely concerned . " no I'm fine, I was just curious on who was in here " she said her voice still audibly strained. You noticed that same dark aura around her that was around amber.

"oh no , it's just me" you mumbled. Your eyes hitting the ground with a tired glaze. "good, any reason?" her voice perks up. why does my throat burn now? You were plagued with fear, and you don't know why. "Oh just grabbing my art stuff" you say this while gesturing to the no slightly empty desk. "o-oh right, should've known. well I'll be on my way. And you should too" and with that she turned and left , leaving you ahgast.

You sat in the silence for a hot minute before realising a breathe you had held in. You were afraid to the point to the feeling of breathing felt like kissing death."right i need to head back out" you muttered this to yourself , you quickly exhaled a shaky breath before grabbing your stuff and bolting through the door. You didn't care about what the other lower ranking knights had to say to you , you just wanted to get the fuck out of there .

The warmer air of the outside pleasently hit your skin. You tried to calm yourself so no one would catch the fact your were out of breath and seemingly have your soul leaving your body twice in one day.

You needed a change of envirement. Right. The bar. Not for you to drink of course , but just a scenery. You quickly skip your way over there.

You had mostly shook of the cold feeling on your shoulders as you approached . By the time you had gotten to the door , you could smell the signature scent of the bar. You then opened the door , allowing the cheerful sound of the chatter to fill your ears. And as you glance around the the bar after entering, you see kaeya at the bar.

You call over to him. "Hey, kaeya!" you said happily and loud enough for him to perk his head up at you. Though he originally look tired, his eyes widened slightly at you voice. "hey y/n!" he calls back to you as you approach the bar. "It's a pleasure seeing you out, y'know since you were out for 24 hours " he chuckled to himself at that last bit.

"venti told you, I see" you grimaced at who else he may have ran his mouth to. " yeah , he also told me other things " And then kaeya gave you a sly look. You double blinked at him , wondering what he could possibly mean by that.

A steady pair of footprints approached you and kaeya. "kaeya you need to g-" Diluc stopped mid sentence after seeing you. In Diluc's head he was panicking after the events of last night. that run in with jean sent chills up his spine. He was only slightly suprised to see you though, after all kaeya had announced that you were being forced out of work for around 2 weeks.

You felt both Diluc's and Kaeya's eyes on you."so ummmmm..... how are you two doing today ?" you were trying to not show the panic that had run through your body after that encounter with jean and amber , you were kind of still messed up. Diluc would later share the same sentiment. how fun.

"I'm doing amazing" Kaeya smirks, you can tell he's a little bit tipsy. You mutter something nonsense under your breathe, and you turn you attention towards Diluc. "I'm doing fine y/n, how are you?" his voice is low. Despite him seeming to lack much of any emotion, you did see the corners of his mouth upturn slightly. " I'm doing fine diluc,"- you turn your attention to both of them-"do you gentlemen have anything planned for the day?" you asked them, trying to hide every once of awkwardness and anxiety that was bottled up in you.

"I'm going to work on some nearby hillichurl camps after I finish my drink, I have defenses I need to build up because of our current slime problem " kaeya was just laying on the bar at this point. "Are you really going to work in that condition?" you ask Kaeya, your voice laced with a little bit of concern. Kaeya opened his mouth to speak, but Diluc interrupted him. "He always does, I don't know how you haven't noticed yet."

You shot kaeya a look, it was mixed with slight disappointment and a lot of concern. Kaeya looked between you and Diluc for a second. His face went blank before he cleared his throat. "well if I am going to get OUTED"-he shot a sassy glance at Diluc-"I really should get going". he got up and left. "Hey you need to pay" Diluc shouted. "Put it on my tab" kaeya shouted back. " You don't have a tab" . Diluc pinched his nose in irritation.

You shift your gaze towards Diluc. You try and soften your face at him, "Don't worry I'll pay for him", Diluc looks up from what he was doing . "You're fine, he does end up paying. He only had three drinks- its not that much of a loss" He informs you before going back to the dishes he was cleaning. You awkwardly stood there for a minute.

"Do you want to help me close up?" the red haired male asked you, snapping you out of the mindless trance that you were previously stuck in. "Sure" You reply with a smile.


A/N: sorry for disappearing.... I don't think I can keep over explaining my absence

word count: 984

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