#Chapter 3#

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"Sorry I had to go fetch my brother" kaeya said with a closed eyes and a cat-like smile on his face. You had only just seen this man at the bar, it so weird because you thought you had a good read an everyone, but that seemed to have changed.

The red haired male had a blank-almost angry expression on his face. His amber eyes seem to gloss over everyone only stopping an extra split second on you. You chalked it up him not being used to your face you made eye contact but you looked away as not give the wrong impression as you also had a bit of dead face right now.

"As many of you know today is my brother Diluc's birthday!" kaeya said before immediately making eye contact with you. Your thoughts raced Oh no, what is he planning. I don't like the face or tone he just used. oh barbatos please bless me right now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Whilst that was going on inside your head kaeya had begun talking once more. "But" he continued , grabbing your attention. "Since my brother hates being the center of attention, and just anything to be about him, so today is also to mark the day y/n stops overworking themselves!" he finished with a closed eye smile. You flushed bright red. You looked down at your lap. You felt like everyone's eyes were on you.

You were not expecting kaeya to out you like that. I mean jean most likely knew before hand but still! it was super embarrassing for people like lisa- and kaeya's brother to know that! You quietly looked back up, your face still super red. You see everyone still looking at you, your face brightens even more. "Kaeya that was not very needed right now" lisa said before slightly yawning. It was true, you felt like it was entirely unneeded. "Well I had to name the occasion, as it is very important and it does involve people I care about, I feel like it needed to be said" kaeya responded, his smile seeming to become less genuine.

"Well lets get to drinking!" venti said in a excited tone before he happily speed walked down the stairs to the bar. Everyone did that until it was just you and Diluc left, by that time he had also taken a seat at the table with you.

"Are you enjoying the party?" you asked the the red haired male after finally looking up from your notedbook, you had pulled it out your bag to sketch something that you saw on a slime killing mission the other day. "Do you want me to be honest?" he inquired, you nodded in response, "No, this is what usually happens every other night, except right now jean is joining lisa while dancing. There is noting special about this 'party' or just my birthday in general." . You blinked at that. Does he really think his birthday isn't important? That sucks. "Wellllll......" You started - his eyes guiding themselves back to you - "how would you like to spend you birthday?" you questioned. You felt bad not only was he not enjoying himself of his day, and he didn't even feel like said event was important, but it is! To you atleast.....

"Well" you said looking up at him, "what would you like to do". The words left your lips like butter cream icing. Diluc's eyes widened at that statement. Its been a very long time since someone had asked him that. 15 years old is probably the last time someone had ever asked him that question. You quietly stared at the male, a small smile playing on your lips. You did realize that his widened at the statement you had made.

sh*t. "I'm sorry- I- " you slightly cleared your throat before continuing, your facing still turning into a slightly pink hue. "I'm sorry if I crossed a boundary' You said barely averting the eyes of Diluc. He quickly cleared his throat before responding back to the questionyou both looked at eachother at the same time. "Your fine, I just wasn't expecting that" he said his face returning back into its normal state(?).

"Well?" you said looking at him, your eye almost having sparkles in your eyes. Diluc was an interesting person just judging off what you knew. He was kaeya's brother, and acted and looked like his polar opposite. He seemed to be completely off the radar of any of your records, he would seem like an interesting character to hang around.

" If I'm being honest I just want some peace and quite for a change" the phoenix haired male said with a somewhat stressed sigh. You could kinda tell he meant it?, you were just happy you got a response.

" Well, Your wish is my command " You said with a cheery closed eye smile. " SOoOoOo- who you like a drink before I start?". You kinda felt saying that was stupid, considering he worked behind the bar earlier. And he did say this was normal for him. "Nothing acholic-" Diluc said while looking off to the side. Presumbly looking at the other party members. Jean and Lisa were dancing while venti sang songs akin to sea shanties. Kaeya and the other attendants happily cheered along while drinking. A smile played on your lips as you got up from your seat.

You made your way down the stairs. Enjoying the music getting louder. The atmosphere in the downstairs of the tavern was energetic and happy.

You walked you way to the bar, you grabbed some money from your wallet to pay for drinks. "What do you want?" the bartender said, sounding sort of angry. "two grape juices please!" you handed him the money +1,800 mora (That converts to 5 dollars). You had hand scanned the menu on the wall before walking up the stairs earlier to get to the party in the first place. The bartender grabbed the cups + filled it with the grape juice. You really hoped Diluc liked grape juice, or you would feel really stupid in a second.

"Here is your change" the bartender said while trying to hand back the extra money you had handed him before. " Keep the change! " You said in a cheerful tone before skipping your ways up the stairs. You made your way back to the table where Diluc was sat. He seemed to be deep in thought. You wondered what could be going on his mind.

" I'm Baaaack~" you said in a singsong tone alike to the way kaeya does it. But less tease being put into it.

Diluc looked back into your direction. He noticed the small smile upon your face as you came over to the table with drinks. You quickly rushed over to the table, after all you hated to make people wait.

A small klink was heard when you set the drinks on the table. "Order of 2 grape juices!" you said in a joking tone. Mocking the way you have heard waitresses speak. "Thank you...." Diluc said just loud enough for you to hear. At this point the downstairs was as energetic as ever. "Your welcome" you responded cheerfully to tall male.

"What do you think might achieve peace and quite for you good sir" you made sure to say that last bit in an accent to make show it was a joke. Diluc seemed to make his face when he was thinking. His bows would furrow ever so slightly, his mouth would form into a line. And he would look down. But since this was your only second time seeing him your probably missing a few details.

"A walk around monstadt would be nice"




- Thanks to my very first comment (let alone a positive one) @bigppdiluc you will all receive a very special chapter! If ya catch my drift (>w<)

- Happy to be writing


(word count - 1328)

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