~Chapter 2~

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            You woke up, rubbing your eyes. The nice sun popping through the window's curtains. You had to slowly drape the covers off your body. As you slowly got your brain back into focus, it had reoccurred to you what had happened last night or morning you weren't quite sure what to call it. All you really understood at the moment is that you had to retrieve the info from your front door. You walked down your stairs your eyes drifting to the clock hung up on your wall. 2:00 pm- jesus maybe I do need a break from all this work. maybe Kaeya was right. Who would've thought. Your train of thought was lost as you saw the beige letter in front of your door.

You quickly rushed to open it, hoping you were not already late. which would suck. A lot.  You opened the letter hoping not to see it started at like 1:00 and you were just screwed forever.

it read: "To whom it may concern" Wow how genuine kaeya "I have invited you to a birthday party for my brother." Brother? I never knew he had a brother- and I thought I had a good read on everyone in town " He is most dearest to me, and I want to throw him party"-"Please meet for the party at 6:00 pm this day at the tavern for a couple of drinks and just a good ol' time".

You blinked at the letter. A-many thought going through your head. You felt like Kaeya was lying about having a brother. You had never heard kaeya speak of having a brother and you never really saw it come up into documents. Also he didn't even include his name. But why was it contistent about what he said to you last night? You didn't know how to feel about the whole ordeal. But you were skeptical to say the least.

You put you suspicions aside so you could go and just get ready. It was already 2:30 and you really did not feel like missing someone's birthday party just because you were suspicious. You would feel terrible - probably for years.

You hurried off to grab a good outfit. You wanted to look nice, but nothing to formal. Given that this was a tavern, and if kaeya's brother was (real) or anything like him- you really didn't not care. You quickly grabbed out an outfit and bolted to the shower.

You hadn't taken a good shower in awhile. Your hair and face was greasier then tevayt's greatest eggs! You felt crummy and that would reflect on your attitude. And you had to do some extra skincare just because you were going out you don't want to be a bad representation of the knights of favonuis. None of the towns people had seen you in a minute just because of how swamped with work you were. 

You took your shower, and made sure to look your best. By the time you were done you looked at the time 4:45 , Nice!  you thought you hadn't veered to much of schedule. you were actually ahead of what you had planned. 

You hurried around the house putting things into your bag. Notebook, pen, wallet, knights badge, and a bit of lip balm- , you were about to throw your bag onto your shoulder when it hit you. I need a gift. Your mind rushed on what you could grab for the birthday "boy"(?). You hurriedly looked around. You knew you had glue and some wrapping paper so you knew that wouldn't be a problem. 

"Aha!'" you exclaimed. You had a painting of the silk flower on your wall. It was water color and pencil, with a few notes of the plant of the side. You had a bunch of these so it was perfect. You hastily wrapped the framed of the picture and carefully putting the gift in you bag before dashing out the door to the tavern. 

You looked at the watch that settled on your wrist 5:00pm on the dot. You smiled to yourself happy to know you were not late. You didn't care if it was over kill to be an hour early it was just "tradition" in your family. Your family would end up rolling to a funeral 1 hour early. just because.

You had gotten to the tavern it was a bit of a walk considering you lived on the other side monsdat. You gave yourself a minute to calm yourself and settle your breathing. You opened the door to the tavern, hoping not to many people were looking at you. You walked past the bar where no one seemed to be present. You quietly walked up the store - just to see the one and only - Kaeya! You were happy to know this is all wasn't just a prank.

You called out to kaeya- his eyes slightly lit up when they saw you. You guess he hadn't entirely expected you to actually turn up. "Hey Y/n- come sit!" he called back. you lightly jogged over to him. 

"You actually turned up" he said as you took a seat. "yeah, I didn't want to be a buzz kill just because I didn't believe you" you said slightly sighin at the end of the sentence. You and kaeya started talking as the others arrived. Jean at 5:15, Lisa at 5:30, and Venti 5:45, you all talked for around 15 minutes before it was time for the party to start. You were slightly confused, as you still didn't know where kaeya's brother was, if he even had one. But then again if he was lying jean would most likely have already called him out. 

As you were thinking this kaeya stood up form his chair, everyone looked at him with a confused face. You were the first to speak. "What are you doing kaeya?" you said confusion being laced in your tone. " I have to go grab something, or someone" -he said before he traveled down the stairs. He had something planned. You knew this because he had mischevious tone in his voice and he had whispered that last part. You spaced out for a second while everybody else continued with their conversation.

The entire party heard the pair of footsteps, in response everyone looked in that direction. there came kaeya with a red haired male, that was the guy at the bar.

Maybe kaeya wasn't joking. Who would've guess? Not you.

Word count. 1078

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