part 6

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" it's time to close up the tavern "

 your mind veered off track that was hot. "what was that ?" jean said, her eyes quickly glancing over at you. " oh, um nothing" you replied, you scratched the back of your head. had I really said that aloud?  

You sat in the back   while Diluc cleaned up the tavern. And you couldn't help, and it wasn't for a lack of trying. Everytime you would get up to try and help, Diluc would shoo you back to your seat. No amount of pouting or bribing would allow him to let you to work. 

"plleeeeeaaaaassssssseeeeeeee" you whined . Albeit childish , you hoped it would work in your favor. " No, y/n" Diluc said softly . You looked at him with tired eyes. He stared back. 

You continued to the pout as your eyes grew tired. About an hour after everyone had left you had struggled not to fall asleep at the bar. A little after dozing off, you felt a tap on your shoulder . " hey , y/n , it's time to leave. " Diluc spoke, his voice felt like sweet honey to your tired ears. "okaayyyy" you said drawing out "ay" , truly showing how tired you were.

The night had drawn on long enough. The cold had grown cold, and the air had dried out. This was one of many symptoms of fall slowly growing more and more apparent. The birds had finally stopped tweeting out there love call. 

" Would you like me to walk you home ? " Diluc's voice drew you out of your thoughts. " yes . thank you that would be lovely " You mumbled.  The work of the last couple of weeks, and even months before, had caught up to you.  It was hard to verbalize how you felt. 

" okay , tell me the way y/n " the red hair male asked ? told you ? you were to tired to even care at this point . Put what was really on the forefront was Diluc. 

Given the That was hot  thought from earlier brought a few new thoughts along. As you two walked down the path , with your house being slightly outside the city of mondstat . During this mellow walk to your cot , you decided to recall the events of the night/ 

Checklist :

- getting told you don't  have work for 2 weeks because your best friend  decided it was best for you to reset                                                                                                                                                                                - going to some guy birthday's party, finding out  it's kaeya's (your bestfriend)'s older brother        - getting  to know  said guy, going on an impromptu date (Unbeknownst to you , of course ) and -feeling bad because he doesn't feel like his birthday isn't worth celebrating                                              -going back to the tavern he owns, he rolls ups his sleeves , you find that (OF ALL THINGS) attractive  . And now dying from embarresment because you are 90% sure that your coworker / boss / gal pal heard you say  that under your breathe                                                                                           - Staying will said best-friend's older brother until he closes down the tavern and now you are walking home together while you drowsy-ly leaning on to him for support 

"That's my place" You say . Your eyelids growing heavier by the second. The thought of falling asleep in the soft - cold satiny sheets and fluffly blankets would feel like heaven  ( i'm sorry but I am struggling to stay awake while typing this , on a school night , pray for my ass ) 

" it was lovely to meet you diluc ! I look forward to anymore encounters between us, but right now I would love to encounter my bed, goodnight and talk to you soon" you ranted through. You didn't care to much about manners as you were to tired to think to clearly. 

" Do you need anything else ? " Diluc said as you made a sight jog to the door of your house. As you quickly made your way to the door. You turned around to say something back to him. " Thank you , I'm good and thank you Diluc , again , Tonight was wonderful " . This time you let more sugar slip into your voice. Using the last of your energy to make sure he knew that night had been enjoyable. You threw him a smile , a warm one . And a small wave. 

Diluc did the same. A warm smile and a little wave. before turning  swiftly on his heel and walking back into the city of mondstat. You closed the door with your back to it. Before falling on said door. " whew ... that was long night. And I'm exhausted " and as you said that to no one in particular your stomach growled with hunger. " and now  I need to make food " you sighed as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. As you slightly stumbled over to the kitchen . Desperately hungry, a small can of sunsettia preserves caught your eye. "Nice , now what to make it with " another quick glance led your eyes to a loaf of bread, and the ability to make fire crossed your mind. 

" Toast with sunsettia jam , I haven't had this since I was kid. " You muttered to yourself as you lit a burner " , " now would be amazing to be a pyro user " then the fire went out . Harnessing your anemo had been tough recently . Something tells you venti is up to something , but who knows . 

As you finished cooking your favourite meal as a kid , you walked over to the small 2 person table that sat in the middle of your dining room. You didn't have many people over ever , so the need for a big table was never really needed. 

As you sank your teeth into the childhood snack , you had a small wave of nostalgia flash over you. The nice sweetness of the jam blended with the blandness of the toasted bread. "This is heaven" you mumbled through a full mouth of food . Wow , the night had caught up to. 

You stumbled up to your bed . " damn .... " you said before falling onto your bed. 


heyoooo sorry for not updating for so long ummmm have no excuse for it really . Just school giving me head ache , really . I hope to update more often , but no promises . 

word : 1104 

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