part 10

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"sure" you said with a smile

Diluc signaled for people to leave the tavern. This included workers of the adventures' guild, and random citizens just for a casual drink. After everyone out of the tavern, you branded your face with a smile on your face and you put your hands on your hips. "So, what do you want me to do first" you asked Diluc.

He walked over to you with a rag and a spray bottle what seems to be slime condensate and alcohol (it works as a disinfectant). "Can you please wipe off the tables, upstairs too?" he asked you. "Yep!" you responded with a light skip as you took the rag and bottle.

You clean up the upstairs and downstairs tables with a blank smile and a kick in your step. and in 15 minutes you were done, and you skipped your way back to Diluc.

He glanced over at you with curious eyes "Do you need something?". "No, I just came to return my supplies" you replied, he gave a light chuckle "did you get bored?". "No I just finished my part, do you want me to do anything else?" you said while beaming. Diluc examined you face for a moment. The silence consumed both of you.

When the quite settled and all that could be heard was the talk outside of the tavern your open. Just to see Diluc staring back at you. You look back at him as you tilt your head.


You both directed you attention to the door. Diluc coughed "I'll get it". He walked over to the door, you heard him clear his throat before opening the door. You tried to shake off the blood rising to your face. You could hear venti's voice through the open door. You tiptoed over to where you knew you couldn't be seen to eves drop. Also because you didn't want to give Venti ANY IDEAS.

"Hey have you seen y/n anywhere" venti asked diluc with a sly tone in his voice. Diluc took notice of your new placement and the frantic shake of your head. He had turned his attention back to venti at this point. "No, why?" he answered. "Oh, nothing I just thought I saw them walk in here earlier and kaeya saw them too!". Diluc shifted his eyes back to Venti "No, they left earlier...". You let out a quiet sigh of relief. You really didn't want to deal with Venti right now. Especially given you knew whatever he had intended would probably come at your expense.

"Oh really? Is that so?" Venti continued, you could see him push the door slightly with his hand. "Diluc-" venti stopped for a second to the before continuing his sentence. "Never mind, just when you see him, let me know~" Venti's voice goes back to his usual sweet tone before he walks away. His footsteps fading out into the background as Diluc slowly closed the door.

You can hear him let out a sigh as he fully closes the door. "Thank you" you whisper over to him, your eyes meeting his once again. He walks over to you, adjusting his gloves while doing so. And just like at the part the night before, that same wave washed over your thoughts.

He rests a hand on your shoulder. "It's no problem" he says this in his usual slightly gravely voice. You give him your usual winning smile as he takes his hand off your shoulder. "So... what else can I do to help?" You ask again, Diluc looks around the tavern. "Not much else you can do,  I really have some paperwork to help fill outs but that lays back at my estate". He looks at you while he speaks.

"Estate?" You repeat back, a curious look painted in your face. "Yes my estate, that is where a portion of the farms are and where I live." He turns away and walks behind the counter, grabbing a couple of papers and sets them flush against the bar.

His eyes quickly make their way to your form again "I mean...", he began to speak. "Yes?" You reply, tilting your head slightly. "Have you worked in a rural setting before? The only thing there that you could do is help some of the maids collects grapes from the gardens" Diluc explains.

You nod your head excitedly, "I grew up on a bit of a farm myself actually, I moved away when I got older..." you trail off before looking back up at Diluc "so I can help?" You ask. He replies with a nod.

You pump your fist in the air before continuing to speak, "is it just harvesting or is it brewing too?". The red haired male shakes his head, "just harvesting today".  He picks up his paper and sets them into a bag that was hoisted over his shoulder.

You watch him as he gets his stuff together, a small excited smile planted on your face. "....alright that's it" Diluc says as he finishes packing his bags. He waves you over to him, you follow suite.

As he begins walking to the back door, so do you.  "Why not just go through the front door?" You ask as Diluc begins to unlock the back door. He glances over his shoulder for a second.

"I don't want another run in with venti... or anyone else for that matter. The walk to the manor is quite long some days... I'd rather not delay it", you nod along as he speaks, raising an eyebrow at 'or anyone else for that matter' but not really questioning it.

As he opens the door, you stand closer behind him. He holds the door open from the outside and lets you walk out. "Thank you" you say to him as you walk outside, he locks the door afterwards.

As he walks you make sure to keep pace with him, almost side by side with him. As you neared a side gate in Mondstat city, a few guards turned their heads while you and Diluc walked out.

You became very aware of this when one of the guards didn't wave back at you. Your face scrunched slightly as this happens, but for you better judgement you decide to ignore it. I figuring it's not as important....

Heyyyyyyyy so um I'm back from the

I def can't promise updates bc my love for writing died a little bit as school like sucks me dry a little of every creative juice in my body but y'know that's life.
Word count: 1100

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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