$chapter 4$

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Big authors note @the bottom

"A walk around mondstat would be nice."

Nice! You thought. You smiled at his response. "Okay!" You slightly beamed at the scarlet haired male. A slightly awkward silence started to fill the air. You both realized that one of you would have to move so the silence wouldn't eat you alive. You, and only you, didn't enjoy the awkward silence that filled the air. Diluc didn't notice.

You and Diluc both finished your drinks. You took in the joyous energy the tavern was radiating. The singing and cheering and overall feel of the tavern made you smile. "Would you like to head out now?" You asked the hazel eyed male to break the silence that had consumed the moment, unsure of how he would answer. With a blank stare, he answered. "Yes."

You went to your seat to grab your bag, still conscious of what was in it. You thought it possible while out on the walk you would give Diluc his gift. It only seemed fair considering no one else had seem to bring anything. You expected Jean to get something at least. But no one got him anything. Your smile drooped slightly at that thought.

"Are you okay ?" Diluc asked. You looked up at him. "Y-yeah I'm fine," you answered quickly. Shit, why did I stutter? You died a little inside at your mistake. "Lets go," you said, putting your usual smile back on your face.

Diluc stood up from his seat. You waited a moment as he fixed his sleeves. Without a second thought you took his hand and started to walk towards the door. His eyes widened at the sudden physical touch. You didn't notice this reaction. You held everyone's hand. The old, the young, the rich and the poor. It didn't matter. Diluc didn't know. He wasn't about to tell you to stop.

He, at this point, had realized who you were as a person. By now he had connected the dots on who you were to everyone else. Through the time since you had joined, everyone at head-quarters was talking about you. From Klee saying about how you always made time for her and played with her, to Jean talking about how much you helped around. Heck, even the towns people would talk about how nice you were. How big your smile was. Most of the girls in town had the hots for you, and quite a handful of boys as well.

As you walked out the door, you didn't realize a pair of eyes had followed you a Diluc as you walked out the tavern. Blue eyes.


The slightly cold wind has kissed your face. It was getting close to winter after all. You and Diluc slowed your pace as you walked out the bar. You both started to enjoy the calm atmosphere that the night produced. You slightly guided the walk as you guys roamed the city.

" would you like to take a break ? " you asked as you approached the statue of Barbatos. You always thought it looked familiar. In all truth after walking up so many stairs, you needed a moment to recover your stamina. "sure" he said looking in the opposite direction. You were still holding hands. "Okay!" you said cheerfully. Glad to finally sit down.

You sat down on a nearby bench. Still holding hands. By now Diluc's face with lightly dusted with pink. You looked over at him. Then your hands, Then at him again. You face went BRIGHT red. "I'm sorry" You used every bone in your body to not stutter your ass off.

"its okay" Diluc side looking off to the side. You died inside once more. How many times am I going to embarrass myself tonight.

"Soooooo...." you started wanting a conversation to end unpleasent silence. "How many presents have gotten?" You mentally cringed at the question, you thought that is was quite childish thing to ask. "None" he said with no tone in his voice. You frowned at this.

"Would you like one?"you said. Diluc about whipped his head at you. "what do you mean?" he said his eyes slightly large. "Do you want a present?" you repeated . Diluc was left speechless, he hadn't been asked that in a long time. " I brought one, just in case. i didn't know what you liked... so i just chose something general" you said slightly bashful. You pulled out the painting you had grabbed last minute, and handed it to him.

"Thank you" Diluc said, slightly pleased. He felt slightly confused. Why are they being so nice to me? He thought. He wondered you wad so carefully breezed past his very cold exterior and were being so nice to him. whatever it was, he was starting to believe the rumors about you.

After a moment of silence he had noticed you staring at him, and how you had pulled out your notebook and pen. In midst of his thought you decided to map out his features and remember every detail of his face. The moon light the currently shone on both of you made Diluc look slightly mystical. The light made you look very pretty handsome as well.

Before you had time to react,Diluc saw the small sketches of him on the page. And he also noticed the art style similiarities of the art styles oh the picture you have him and the one in your notebook. "Is that me?" he asked, his face still looking sightly pleased. "Yeah , sorry it habit when i meet new people i tend to sketch them... haha" you said, the laugh at the end was a last ditch effort to make you not seem creepy. "It's very nice" he complemented. "Thank you" you said with a closed eye smile.

"we should probaly head back now" you said, glancing off to the side. The mon had started to change place. Wow... we really have been out here for awhile. .

"Yea" he replied. And with that, you left back to the tavern.




So basically what happened is, my laptop broke and I haven't been able to fix it. And until then I will be using my older brother's / co-owner of the account's laptop to update. I'll try and update now / more frequently. I deeply apologize for dissapearing.

I will have a christmas special out on x-mas. I until then I'll try and update regurarly until then. But no promises


- With the most deep respect and remorse

Word count: 1087

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