-part 1-

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                         The floors creaked with every step you took.  You continuously worked amongst the room.  Putting papers into stacks, organizing papers, finishing some papers. Just in short a lot papers. Nothing new. You had expected nothing more as the anemoi festival was fast approaching in 2 weeks. You blinked tirely as the light shone through the windows. The morning sunlight slightly burning your eyes.

                       *knock* *knock* " who in the world would be knocking at my door this early in the morning" you though as you shuffled towards the door. You opened the door to see your Favourite  Cavarly Captain, or that's how he put it. "I swear I don't know how you are even awake" you mutterenf while looking at the ground. 

                       Kaeya was not fully prepared as he was just wearing and undershirt, pants, boots, and corset. istg I can't understand how this man wears a corset during combat. " Ahhhh- y/n nice to see you-" he paused before glancing down at your face. " I see, another all nighter?" kaeya asked you while looking you dead in the eye. "yeah- what are gonna lecture me?" you said not entirely caring that he could maybe actually do something about it.

"what a wonderful mood he's in,  they really need to get more sleep" kaeya thought  sarcastically before returning his gaze to you. "How long do you think it will take for me to do something about these behaviors?" kaeya said, his voice becoming slightly cold. "what in the world is he planning" you thought . You rolled your eyes in response.

You were not usually like this. The sleep deprivation getting to you. Though the last couple of nights had not been all nighters, you still stayed up until 3 am for the last week, not to mention all of the work that had to be done during the day. Setting up the festival was tough, there had all the decorations had to be set up, you had to accomadate for all the new people that would be visiting for the festival from out of town,  but on top of all of that you had to deal with the risin g slime issue in the area, but only slimes. No other thing had become an issue, just slimes, unluckily for you, you hated slimes. You hated them with a passion

Back to present time, Kaeya dead panned at you attitude. He knew why you were like this. In the nicest way possible, he was going to force you to get better. He did not care that you would probably try and stop him. Despite Kaeya's charismatic way of act, he genuinely did care for  some people, and especially people around him who go out of their to helps others. 

You had that trait. You had always broke your backs for others. It was to a point you wouldn't let yourself rest. Though in the beginning, and on the outside it was admiring, Kaeya saw what was really happening. Behind the scenes you suppressed your emotions, you put everyone before one. Even to the ones who didn't deserve it, the one who hurt you. He hated it, and gosh darn-it he was going to do something about it.

And so he put his plan into full force.

"Y/n, would you care for a walk with me?" Kaeya asked, putting and a very charismatic, almost sing song voice tone. You gave him weird look. "why?" you said your tone being dead, though it was not intentional. " Because, its a nice da- morning. perfect way to calm the nerves" he remarked. You sighed, before muttering "fine, let me grab my jacket". You jogged over to your jacket that was hung up next to your desk, You had moved it over the for barbatos knows why. You planned on moving it back but just hadn't yet. 

You and kaeya navigated the walls of the work place. A comfortable silence filling the air between you. You finally stepped out the building, and took a large amount of air in, and exhaling, the somewhat cool air filling your lungs as you took In your surrounding. This the most peaceful and quite time of the day. No one is out yet except the crows, there is no fighting everyone is one bed. The sun is just now peaking over the horizon. This is one of the reasons you loved to call monstadt your home. 

You and kaeya walked around mondstat for a good while, both of you enjoying the scenary of the place you lived. 

Then kaeya stopped walking abruptly, you noticed where it was. It was your house. You gave kaeya a suspicious look. wondering what he had up his sleeve. A small smile played on his lips, but it was not his usual smirk, you couldn't really tell what he might be thinkin. You could only map out the more general and vague parts. You could tell that he wasn't upset and that was just about it.

" Y/n you have 2 weeks off " he said out of nowhere. You blinked. You didn't know how to react. "T-two weeks" you stuttered, in utter awe. "yes, I hate seeing you overwork yourself. So I am forcing you to get better" He said with a closed eye smile. "I- But the festival- and all the paper work-" you sputtered before kaeya signaled you to hush, and so you did. "Don't worry I have it covered, trust me". You looked at him wide eyed. "The f*cking audacity" you thought. You resisted any violent urges towards this man. 

"Plus"- he continued-grabbing your attention- " You have plans for today" he slyly said. "I- have plans?" you repeated back clearly confused - you felt like he is mocking you. "yes your coming to a birthday party, my brother birthday party" he informed you, and it is not a reminder given the fact you had no idea therenwoul be a birthday nor that kaeya had a brother. I'll slip the info ona card under your door, now you need to head off to bed so you can be their on time" you looked at you watch "2:00 am , great" you thought in a sarcasm filled tone. But by the time you had looked back up, kaeya was gone.

"See you then, I guess?" you though before heading off into to your house to fall into sweet ectasy, in the heaven you called your bed.



- 1189 (and yes including authors notes)

-Do you have any questions? Ask them! They will be answered in the next chapter! I figured this would best be put at the beginning of the story, as to clear anything up with future readers.

- Any tips you wanna give? give them! I am all for getting better at writing, especially with the help of others!

- Make sure to have a good night and day where ever you are in the world! Make sure to drink plently of water- and eat plenty of food! make sure to get the recommended amount of sleep for your age- and have a wonderful life!

-Till next time

-K (your author of said story :])

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