Chapter 1

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Dick sat down in a chair legs propped up on a desk listening in on Slade's conversation on the phone.

"What is so important to call me down here hm"

"I need you to keep you up on what do with those captives just wait for further
orders."Slade Wilson himself or Deathstroke as some would call him looked at his phone hung up the phone call.

"I have a job to do, and it may take a while make sure they don't escape"Dick watches him leave and grab his equipment on the way out

Dick should have know that response was coming he was adopted by him and stayed with him for half of his childhood.

Ever since the death of his original parents his whole entire life took a huge turn for him, from acrobat to an orphan judged by his accent,heritage and so on, but now he's
apprentice for a mercenary sometimes he wonders if he was adopted by someone else.

How would that life turn out?

"You know you and your archer friend should get some sleep it's bad for your health if you don't"Dick said to the duo both behind cells made of glass, at least it had a bed which was the good side of it.

The speedster stayed quiet while the other one spoke up

"We aren't telling you anything let us go now"

Dick looked over at the archer and then the speedster, he almost laughed at his statement.

"I don't want anything from you or Kid Flash I have my orders and that is to be your babysitter"

"Well do you know what's going to happen to us?"Kid Flash spoke up

"I don't know what will happen to  you and Speedy or Red arrow whatever he calls himself"

Kid Flash looks at him with smiling trying not to laugh at him and Red-Arrow gives him an annoyed look.

"Look it's a name in the making alright but you know our names what about yours"Roy back at Dick and questions him.

"Renegade,you can call me that for now"

"Well Renegade nice to meet you, since you already know us I don'tthink we need an introduction"The speedster speaks up and gives him a small smile

"It'sa pleasure to meet you"Dick smiles back at him he's starting to like the speedster more than the archer.

"Anyways sleep well I'll bring you something to eat in the morning"

Dick starts to leave the room and goes to open the door.


Dick turned around and tilted his head waiting for Kidflash to speak.

"You'll tell us what's going to happen to us once you find out right?"

"Yes,I will I promise you on that one"

"So how long?"Dick paced around in his quarters on the phone with Slade

"About 2 weeks it will take"

"It takes that long to find someone?"Dick hears a sight from the other end.

"It's more complicated than that Dick"

"Well with finding this person and The Light's orders it might take a while"

Dick sighs,this man has got to be kidding
"Fine, Dja devlesa" and with that Dick hung up the phone abruptly and got read to go to sleep.

They probably thought out of all the hostage situations they've been apart of he's probably been one of the nicer ones.

"I wonder what will happen in the next couple of weeks"

With that final thought in his head he finally fell asleep.


Dja devlesa-Goodbye

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