Chapter 3

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Wally and Dick sat down in the forest after what seemed like walking forever they took a break all was slient until Dick spoke up.

"I'm sorry...about Roy"

Wally ignored him focusing on the makeshift fire in front of him they were a couple miles away from metropolis which was were they intended to go.

"We should head out in the morning and-"

"How are you so calm about friend sacrificed himself for else and your focusing on something else?"Wally spat out Dick knew he was angry and frustrated."I lost someone important how can you possibly know what it's like to"

"I lost my parents"

Wally stopped he was confused why was he staying with Deathstroke, a mercenary at that unless.

"That circus act, it wasn't just me it was my family as well,someone tampered with the wires and while I was on the platform ready to grab my mother's hands suddenly they fell "

Wally was slient,he almost suddenly took back what he said

"And I was stuck in an orphanage until the one and only Deathstroke showed up and took me in,I don't know what it's like to have a friend or to lose one"

"I'm sorry for your loss"Wally said looking down"I shouldn't have snapped at you either"

"Don't worry about it,I've moved on from that"

"When you mentioned not having a friend does that mean me and Roy aren't your friends"

Dick was slient at that statement,at this point he was conflicted.

"I guess you are now that I told you everything unless you don't want to" Dick laid down beside Wally hand behind his head.Wally did the same thing.

"I do wanna be friends dude,like seriously not only did you save us but you went against Deathstroke I owe you on this one"

"You don't owe me anything West I was just doing my job"

"If saving people is your job then I think you should come back with me and join the team"

Dick looked over at him,Wally just looked at the night sky

"I couldn't possibly join you after what I've done"

Dick starts to close his eyes until he hears

"My offer still stands,I think the team will like you"

Dick opens one of his eyes to see Wally going to sleep and Dick blows out the fire and they both fell asleep.

The last couple of days were tiring Wally and Dick finally got civvives and a brace for Wally's leg,both of them needed to lay low but also find someone who knows Wally and can bring him back home at least that what Dick's intention was.

Wally re-wrapped his ankle brace and look over at Dick looked down at him,he was wearing a red jacket with black pants and some casual sneakers.Wally put his hand out and Dick grabbed it to lift him up.

"Is it just me or is the people in that van down there watching us"

Dick looked over towards the car and they started moving towards them then he looked to one of the motorcycles parked and grabbed Wally's hand.

"You can just steal a guy's motorcycle!"

"So you want me to chase him down and unsteal it!"

Both of them got on the motorcycle quickly

"You hold on to me"Dick as he started to turn on the motorcycle,kicking the safety off

"Say less"Wally put his arms around Dick's waist and they drove off swerving through traffic while the car was trailing behind them.

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