Chapter 7 Alt Path:Wally's return

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Few days later

Roy didn't know why Nightwing didn't shoot at him and shook his head at him.

Tigress,Kaldur and Rocket had some burns
on them and some scars they were in the watchtower being treated while Conner,
M'gann and Garth strayed away from the
fight the threats stopped but they visited
their team every once in a while.

Roy felt so many emotions at once he didn't know how to deal with all of this he talked to Dinah once in a while about it.

Someone had to stop this but who could he
turn to for help.

A figure in yellow and red laid flat on his stomach lighting came off from him,he was
struggling to get up so he only lifted his head from the snow,he in the arctic again.

The snowflakes were coming down heavy
they could barely see anything,he crawls
his way forward,he does this for a while but
he gives up and sees someone running towards him.

They can barely make out the words but he lifts his hand up it's shaking and reaches out the person in front of him.

"We got you Wally hold on okay"

"Someone help me out here"

"Holy shit it's really him"

Wally's vision started going blurry,he couldn't focus anymore there were too many people talking and he was so tired,so exhausted and with that his vision went black.

Once his Barry saw his nephew out in the Arctic,and was in the infirmary he couldn't sleep.

Wally was alive and here,he was in a comatose like state and was said he was to
wake up within a week it was worth it devastating but he was here with everyone

Although now the Nightwing situation was
not the only weight on his shoulder,his nephew's condition was now but here he is waiting for him to wake up.

"Uncle Barry,Aunt Iris where-"Wally,he looked tired and exhausted with bags under his eyes

"Hey Kid how do you feel you feel?"

"Tired,Where's Aunt Iris and Bart?"

"I can call them in if you'd like"

Wally just nods and Barry walks outside to tell Iris and Bart that they could come in.
Wally had many visitors come in and out of the room to see him,he enjoyed them overall visited but he still felt a bit lonely.

Wally thought it would be a good idea to stay with his aunt and uncle,of course his parents knew that he was back but he thought this is the best course of action for him until he asked his uncle,the question he's been wanting to know the answer for a while .

"Uncle Barry?"

"What's up Wally"

"Where's Dick?"Wally said and he could see
his uncle stiffen,Wally continued to talk.

"I need to find Dick,can you help me find Dick I need to tell him I'm okay"

Barry just looks at the ground,Wally looked at him worried and confused,he wanted answers

"Please,he needs to know I'm okay"Wally

"He's okay but I don't know where he is"
Barry looks back up at him

"You saw him?When please tell me everything"

Barry explains everything that happened
over the past couple of weeks to Wally about the team,the threats they had
received,and Bart's theory about Dick being
the one behind this

"He wouldn't...Even if he did I-I can reason with him I can stop him"

"Wally I can't let you-"

"Please Uncle Barry he wouldn't know better I can stop him let me on the next strike he won't hurt me, please let me help him."

"Okay but if you do this be careful"

"I will I can guarantee you that"

Did Roy believe Bart's theory,not at all although it did feel like a weight was lifted off his shoulder when they found Wally. Roy
had one of his friends back but Dick wasn't
here and he could see that without Dick after the Invasion and coming back not to see Dick at all Wally's behavior completely changed.

Roy went to the fridge of his apartment to get something to drink but before he could even do that he saw that the window was open,was it like that before? Roy stared at it for a bit.

"Roy Harper"

Startled,Roy threw the closest thing to the source of the voice and the figure caught it and they turned on the light. Nightwing held the object in his hand and moved it away from his face.

"Hi"Nightwing was dressed in the suit he was wearing when he almost blew up STAR LABS.

Great,it was the last person he didn't want to see at all.. how wonderful.

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