Chapter 8 Alt Path:Wally's Return

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"I made macaroni if you want some"
Nightwing holds a pot of cooked boxed mac and cheese

"I'm sorry what?!"

"Well I was starving and you took forever so I wanted to make food."

Roy looked at him in shock how long has Dick even been in his apartment?

"What do you want?"

Nightwing walks over and puts the pot of mac and cheese on the counter and looks at Roy

"Relax Roy Harper I just want to talk are you really not hungry?, that fight was so long"Dick walks towards where the silverware is "it's really tasty,really tasty"

Roy knew it was Dick he just decided to play along with him

"I know what boxed mac and cheese tastes like..okay I know it's delicious" Nightwing looks over at it for a second but keeps his eyes on Nightwing.

And take note I'm not going to have dinner
with you after you tried to kill my friends and broke into my apartment"

"I did not try to kill you"Roy said he looked
offended and continued " A. I didn't blow up the magic girl B. I did not break anything I'm way to talented for that and C. Stop being so defensive,you're so hostile."Roy just stayed slient

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise" Nightwing rolls up his sleeves "I don't have any weapons on me" Roy eyes the electroshock bracelets on his wrist "Okay I take that back I don't have any weapons currently in my hands" Roy still looks and the bracelets and then back at him."that's a lie also"

Nightwing pulls out a chair and sits on it "C'mon eat,eat please my tată says it's good for you,you're probably think 'What this is crazy' I'm going to have dinner with the enemy and he made some really good smelling macaroni"

"But in all honesty if I wanted to kill you-"

"You've already" Dick was interrupted by him

"Right as you came downstairs"

"I probably wouldn't even get to the last step"

"No..No" Nightwing chuckles and shakes his head

"Okay..yeah" Roy sits down across from him

Wally walks into the watchtower,he ditched the old suit since Bart is Kid Flash now and got a new one it was red and sliver and it was almost similar to his old Kid Flash outfit
Wally walked into the room to see his old teammates talking.

"So what do we do about it?"Rocket looks at her previous teammates.

"Well Flash is out right now so we could come up with a plan while he's doing his own thing and maybe have Alpha in on it too" Artemis suggests

"What are you guys talking about are you...are you talking about Dick?"

The Team looked at him,they were slient and noticed the different suit until Conner spoke up.

"I looked up information about your boyfriend Wally"Artemis threw a file on the table

Wally stepped back a bit and pulled off his cowl he didn't want to hear this about him.

"You knew about all this didn't you" Artemis questioned at that point Wally couldn't cover for him anymore.

"I did but I didn't know he would hurt you I wish I didn't believe Bart's theory but I can't
deny it now can I ?"Wally said Artemis was slient and so was the rest.

"What are you planning to do?"

"Lead him to Mount Justice"M'gann said

"Wasn't that place blown up?"Wally sat down

"I know it was blown up,but the inside of it isn't as damaged and neither is the outside we could use that to our advantage"

"She has a point it is technically our home ground,did you say you never brought him to Mount Justice" Zatanna

"I did, he wanted to visit but I told him it was boring there so we went to different cities instead"Wally explains then continues

"Then why is he doing this?"Rocket looks at everyone in the room

"He's doing this because he thought I was the only person who gave him a second chance and he wants to blame my death on someone."Wally gets up and walks out of the room.

"I'll call Roy about this and then I'll inform the others"Artemis says and the team leaves the room going back to there own business.

Nightwing and Roy enjoy their macaroni
together,Nightwing has a eye mask on.Roy looks at his phone and it's ringing

"Are you going to take that call or will I?"

Roy grabs his phone and hands up,but just glares at Dick

"I know it's you Dick"

"Oh why didn't you say 'hello Dick it's been so long since I've seen you' "Dick takes a fork full of macaroni and eats it.

"Well you've been a douche bag  to some of my friends lately"

"I'm also included in that group Roy Harper"
Roy groans in frustration

"Just call me Roy already it's so awkward when you say it like that and it's my teammates"

"Still hung up on that hm?,sorry but you shot me in the arm,your other archer friend almost shot me in the head and that fish boy almost cut me up."Dick explains to him,
Roy stays slient.

"I think they're the douche bags yes?"

"Why are you doing this hm?"

Dick doesn't say anything but leans back in his chair crosses his arms and looks away
then it hits Roy in the face.

"Someone hired you?!"

Dick looks at him and just smriks "it's what
a mercenary does,just hand over Jaime Reyes and you'll never see me again"

"So that's your prime target why him he's a kid!"Roy shouts and gets up from his chair

"And you look like and act like one"Dick counter,it's like he wanted to get him angry
Roy sits back down and tries to keep his composure.

"You break the rules and become a hero I do it and I become the enemy...that doesn't seem fair."

Dick gets up from his chair and goes towards the window "and if you don't hand him over then it won't be Dick who will come after him it will be Nightwing "

Roy watches the same stunt Dick does back at Taos except he didn't break the window this time.At this moment Roy forgot the very thing he should've told Dick.

He forgot to tell him about Wally.

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