Chapter 7

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Few days later

Roy didn't know why Nightwing didn't shoot at him and shook his head at him.

Tigress,Kaldur and Rocket had some burns
on them and some scars they're in the watchtower being treated while Conner,
M'gann and Garth strayed away from the
fight the threats stopped but they visited
their team every once in a while.

Roy felt so many emotions at once he didn't know how to deal with all of this he talked to Dinah once in a while about it.

Someone had to stop this and I think he could be the only one to reason with him and stop him.

Roy,had pulled up some documents on Dick
and everything that Dick had said back then
although he's originally from Romania but
mainly speaks Romani,explains the accent.
Roy continues to go through the documents.

"Stalker much?"

Roy looks over to see Artemis walking towards him and looking at the computer.

"I'm just looking at some stuff that's all"
Roy mutters but doesn't look at her Artemis sees the photo of Dick and recognizes the name.

"So this is the guy Wally used to gush about
all the time"

"Seriously he did?"

"Yep,I remember the last conversation I had
with him about Dick"

Artemis and Wally were in Paris they just got called down to head to the Arctic.Wally looked around.

"This place would have been great for me and Dick to go can't believe I didn't think of it sooner."

"Well when this is all over I'm sure you can take him here when it's less you get what I mean"Artemis looked at the grey skies and destruction taking place

"Yeah,I think you'd like him,he's so generous and kind and-"

"KF I'm pretty sure you said that 50 times about him"

Wally laughed a bit and with that the two of them sped off towards the Arctic.

"Wouldn't stop talking about how nice he is and how handsome he is.."

Roy almosted laughed at that and went back to researching until he stopped at one piece
of information.

"Last seen in Taos?But Flash told us he was in Central City"

"Unless,this isn't his actual one...maybe it's
Nightwing's" Roy looked at Artemis

"Is he trying to frame him?"

"No I don't think that would mean Kid Flash's theory is correct which I really don't want to believe"

Roy was in denial but then again who wouldn't be when you just found out that your friend is actually being hired to kill

"We might just have to but it's not right to
judge someone without evidence."

Roy continued look and saw his occupation
"Agent/Mercenary for The Light in alliance with Deathstroke/mission pending"

"The Deathstroke part I know,but now he's an agent and a mercenary"

"What was he the last time?Artemis questions Roy

"An apprentice"

Roy looks back again and looks at abilities
"I don't think this upcoming fight is gonna go good"Roy turns off the computer and gets up from the chair

"Why do you say that"

"He has a regenerative factor,this is gonna be like dealing with angry mini version of Deathstroke"

"We gotta tell the others"

Barry and Iris went on a date night which meant for Bart he had to watch over the kids,thank god he finally had time to himself when the two were asleep.

Bart went down stairs to make a sandwich or something but before he could even do that he saw that the window was open,was it like that before? Bart stared at it for a bit.

"Bart Allen"

Startled,Bart threw the closest thing to the source of the voice and the figure caught it and they turned on the light. Dick held the object in his hand and moved it away from his face.

"Hi"Dick was dressed in civilian clothes not the suit he was wearing when he almost blew up STAR LABS.

Great,it was the last person he didn't want to see at all.. how wonderful.

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