Chapter 10 Alt Path:Wally's return

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Dick drove his motorcycle,going as fast as possible heading towards Mount Justice .

"Tell me what the sword is made out of"
Dick asks Slade while he is on the comms.

"Red Sun Energy,it will help you in dealing with Superboy"

Dick just nods and stops when he's close by the hanger of Mount Justice where the bioship is located.

"You'll be outnumbered so disconnect me while your fighting and stay vigilant"

"This isn't the first time"Dick gets off the motorcycle and walks towards the hanger and the original team as stands in front of him all armed and ready to fight.

"Before I kill you I need to know what truly happened"

"If we told you you'd never believe us,just know that he saved everyone and sacrificed himself for it" Conner speaks up while the team is slient

Dick shook his head a bit turned off his comms from his father.

"You're lying"

"What?"Conner says confused

"You're all so pathetic."

The team doesn't move an inch,Dick pulls out three smoke grenades at the group.the team steps back and with that Dick quickly pulls out two explosives and puts them on the ground,he hears Zatanna's saying a spell

'It's reveal backwards'

Tigress shoots at him but he flips back and lands in a crouching position and sets off the explosives..

Rocket shields the closest people from the explosives but they go flying back,hitting the side of the mountain, Rocket is out due to the impact but Dick realized he's weaken M'gann and Kaldur.

Dick goes to attack them first and pulls out his sword Zatanna blocks him.

"tcelfer!"she shouts Dick stops and ducks he knows Superboy is going to knock him out from behind.

Superboy hits the reflect shield and he goes straight into the mountain due to the amount of force he put into the punch.

Dick comes back up to only hit her in the face with the hilt of his sword,he leaves her there and sees Kaldur coming at him the two clash blades.

"Dick stop nobody killed him!"

"Stop lying!" Dick pushes him back and Kaldur stabs him in the shoulder
Dick grabs Kaldur by his other arm and knees him the stomach then kicks him in the face making him pull out the water blade out of Dick's shoulder.

Dick sees smoke again,he's lost Tigress,until sees something ram into him he gets up to see Tigress in front of him.

"Haven't you had enough"

Tigress spits out blood, and grins at him

"I can do this a day"

Tigress starts to shoot arrows at him,Dick manages to dodge and block some with his sword he pulls out a gun and knocks her cross bow from her hand.

Artemis is quick and pulls out a throwing dagger and throws it at him Dick catches it spins around and throws the dagger back at her but Wally in the nick of time grabs it and kicks Dick back.

"Tigress you alright"Wally asks her and she just nods,he looks back at Dick who is slowly getting back up.Wally takes off his cowl,he has a concerned look on his face.

"It's me"

Dick pulls off his mask and visor his eyes are wide in shock but that soon turns to anger and he pulls his sword out to point it
at Wally.

"Is this some sort of sick twisted joke?!"
Dick looks at the magic user,she slowly getting up,he growls and goes to shoot her.
But Wally speeds over grabs his arm that has the gun and directs the shots towards the air.

"Dick please don't do this don't hurt them"
Wally pleaded,Dick still looked angry and punched him square to the face.

Wally stumbles back holding his nose,he's pretty sure that he's bleeding,he looks up to see Dick walking towards him.

"If you're really him...say something only the real Wally would know"

"You saved me from The Light at least twice one by driving over a bridge,the other by threatening Klarion,and we made a secret whistle instead of a handshake because you didn't like handshakes."

Dick dropped his gun and his sword.Putting a hand on Wally's cheek,and looks at the blood coming from his nose and then back at his friends that he has attacked.Wally saw bags under his eyes he looked exhausted.

Dick hugged Wally tightly like he wasn't going to let go ever again,Wally knew he was crying,he was on the verge of tears as well.

"I'm not leaving you ever again "Wally hugged him back,he could here Dick whispering I'm sorry over and over again.

Finally after getting Dick to calm down,the both stood up Dick was leaning on Wally for support.

"I'm going inside to alert the rest of the team members" Rocket said to Wally and she walked through the Zeta Tube to the inside of Mount Justice.Wally nodded and looked over at Dick,he staring straight ahead.

"I can feel you staring at me"

"Sorry,I just wanna know how you're feeling"

Dick looked up at him and sighed "I'm okay for the most part...I just want go back home 
lay down and sleep"

Wally heard the shouts of Roy and looked over in that direction.Dick scowled at Roy,

"I should've told you that he was alive"

"You should've but you were angry,don't worry about it"

Wally smiled at the two while they both talked,everything is going to be okay they're maybe some bumps in the road but they'll all figure them out.

Months Later

Dick dressed in his civvives,stood in front of the tombstone of his brother Grant,it was the anniversary of his death thought it would be appropriate to visit him while Wally was on a mission with the team.

They found out that Superboy was alive and well and was in the Phantom Zone,so the team minus M'gann went after him.Dick visited her and Garth from time to time to see if she was alright and to help her.

Dick didn't like the idea of Wally going on this mission,Wally reassured him that he'd be fine but Dick didn't want history to repeat itself again.

"Hello Dick"

Dick froze at the sound of the voice and turned around he gasped and his eyes were wide.A woman with short brown hair and streaks of grey smriks at him and puts a hand on her hip.

"It's been awhile"

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