Chapter 6

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Days on end,the team members received letters over and over again some were even
threats and warnings.

Barry,the one taking on this case had finally
had enough Bart had told him about his
theory about Dick but he wouldn't be the type of person to do that.Dick was Wally's
partner,his best friend he wouldn't do this.

Until he got a letter from Nightwing himself
it wasn't a threat but a meeting with him at
STAR LABS in Taos at night,he alerted the members of the team that had received the
threats and letters.Barry sent out an alert
to everyone that there was a terrorist warning so no one would be working at that

Flash waited outside the entrance until he saw a figure in black come down from a wire on the roof,he was wearing a black visor attacked to a mask that covered his nose and mouth,along with his suit.

"I suggest you don't try to enter Nightwing" Flash warned him.

"You have no idea just how resonable I've

"Hired to kill ,sending threats,targeting the
team,I don't exactly call that being

"Sending threats after that team instead of myself was mercy and in spite of your hypocrisies and insults I have begged you
to safely to get out of my way"

Flash knew that the former team members were behind him,thankfully for Zatanna they were invisible all except for him,he
was confident in reasoning with him.

"You have exhausted my patience but I do hope you understand that even now what's
about to happen this is me being reasonable."

Suddenly Nightwing pulled out a gun and started firing but was blocked,it was a force field and it was by Rocket herself,Zatanna
was beside her as well as Tigress and Kaldur.

Nightwing stopped firing and tilted his head a bit to the side watching Flash speed into STAR LABS.Nightwing looked at the group in front of him and started firing again.

"Etacilpud!"Zatanna shouts and the shields that Rocket produces duplicate while Kaldur and Tigress attack Nightwing.

Nightwing dodges Kaldur's attacks and pulls
out his erscrima sticks instead and turns on
the electricity,he had no intention of targeting Zatanna and Rocket although Kaldur and Tigress,the two people who aligned themselves with The Light at the
time should learn their lesson for their betrayal.

Flash stopped over at Kid Flash,Blue beetle
and Red arrow the three where discussing a
plan in case Nightwing comes inside.

"I thought I told you not to come Kid Flash"

"I'm not gonna stand by and watch him take all you out"Kid Flash protested,Flash sighs but then says.

"then let's spilt up KF,Robin your with me
Arsenal your with Blue Beetle and-"

Flash was about to say something until the alarms when off and an injured Zatanna teleported into the room.

"Z! What happened where are the others"
Arsenal runs over and helps her to keep her balance.Zatanna coughs and starts to speak

"We got separated,Kaldur,Tigress and Rocket might be still down there."

"I'll take Zatanna with us you guys go"
Arsenal takes Blue Beetle and Zatanna to the right of the hallway while Flash takes Kid Flash and Robin to the left.

The trio stooped in a nearby by room for Zatanna to relax and tend to her wounds

"Hey you alright Z?"Arsenal kneels down to check on the magic user,she had burns and
scrapes on her legs

Zatanna just nods and starts a spell to heal
her,Arsenal stood up and looked at Blue beetle he looked uneasy and stressed.

"What if he's after me?"

Zatanna looked at Blue Beetle,Arsenal did as well what would make Blue say even say that Nightwing didn't have a grudge against him...did he?

"You remember The Reach and the Invasion too right? maybe that's why if Kid Flash's theory is correct"

"Take note that he's affiliated with The Light,this isn't your fault Blue" Zatanna said

"I don't know why he'd have a grudge
against you"Arsenal said

"Exactly so-"Zatanna was interrupted by the alarms of the building.Arsenal pulled up the security footage from a nearby computer to see Nightwing walking through the buliding below the floor him and Flash's ground is on

Nightwing looked up from the security camera and tilted his head,from Arsenal's view it's like he knew they were there and he pointed his gun at it and the screen went static after that.

Blue Beetle and Zatanna looked at eachother while Arsenal stepped away from the computer.A ding is heard from the elevator and everyone turns only to see a robot thrown infront of them it was destroyed.

Arsenal was expecting Nightwing to appear but he didn't there was no one there.Roy was focused on the inside of the elevator and so was Zatanna she put her hand out infront of Blue Beetle.

"Where did he go?"Blue Beetle says and just on cue Nightwing appears infront of the elevator,he's soaked and he has a cut on his forehead blood coming from it streaming to the left and right side of his visor down to his mask and his shoulders and chest has a mix black oil on it.

Blue Beetle screams in suprise and backs up while Zatanna backs up along with him
Arsenal draws an arrow and aims it at him.

"I warned you"

Nightwing sounded like he was out of breath,Arsenal looked at Zatanna and Blue and motion them to run down the opposite hallway and he follows behind them.

Nightwing goes to shoot them but Roy is quicker and fires an arrow at Nightwing
and it embedds itself in his shoulderblade.

Arsenal looked at him another arrow was
drawn ready to shoot without any effort
Dick just pulled the arrow out of his shoulder blade and looked at him.

Arsenal saw Nightwing shake his head at him as sign to say 'don't cause anymore damage then you already have'

Nightwing backs up towards the windows and and wire shoots out onto the floor, runs out of the window and jumps back first.

Arsenal lowers his bow and looks behind him to see Flash,Kid Flash and Robin.Did Nightwing shake his head at them or at him?

Dick made it back to his safehouse an took off his visor and mask,he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror the cut was deep but his regenerative factor would heal it,although it gave him a major headache.

As for the arrow he was thankful
that he was able to pull the whole arrow out
and not work on getting an arrowhead out.
All he had to do was clean up the blood and oil on him.After putting his weapons away washing his suit and cleaning up his blood.

Dick sat down on the couch in a blue sweater and black sweatpants. Grabbing the
remote,he was about turn on the TV.

"What are you acting like Batman sitting over there in the dark? so moody"

"I'm curious as to who hired you for this mission" Slade turned on the light on in the kitchen and crosses his arms

"Why are you questioning me,it's none of your business anyways"Dicks gets up and looks at him.

"Because this job is practically a suicide mission,you got lucky tonight imagine if-"

"I have a regenerative factor just like you
I can handle them on my own so stay out of it"

"You're not in the right state of mind for this"

"If you just came here to lecture me I suggest you leave"Dick had the urge to punch him in the face but he was just so tired and he was still healing too.

"I'm making sure your alive and take this next time"Slade puts a brief case on the counter and leaves Dick's safehouse

Dick limps over towards the counter and opens the brief case to see a sword,he wasn't one for swords and always uses escrima sticks.

Maybe he'll test it out soon.

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