Chapter 5

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Bart had decided to hang out with the alpha team they all could use a break from hero work for a bit.Bart hears a buzzing sound from his desk,it's a phone call from Jaime.

"What's up Blue!"

"Hey you didn't get a letter in a mail did you?"

"Uh hold on lemme check"

Bart looked confused what sort of question was that "he speeds downstairs to see if there was mail on the counter,there wasn't anything there,he checkedthe mailed mox nothing was there either.

Bart had been staying with Iris and Barry for while,he asked Iris they got mail before him she responded no as well.

"Nope nothing why what happened"

"Just come to the watchtower and I'll show you"

"Alright I'll be there,see ya later"

"See ya"

Bart hung up the phone,it was so weird for him to be calling so suddenly like that,he hoped it would be for the hangout today well so much for that.

Bart said goodbye to Iris and told her where he was heading off the,got into his suit and sped off to the nearest zetatube.

Some of the old members and members of team alpha were there went Bart arrived someone them with letters in their hands,some of then looked concerned others angry.

Bart walks over to them,curious at all the letters the each had in their hands,he looked over at Jaime and Tim.

" guys mind telling me what's going on here?"

Everyone looked over at him but Jaime broke the slience between them.

"Each of us got a letter in the mail it showed us our whole information,who we are,our identities,everything"

"I'm suprised you didn't get one Kid Flash"
Conner said looking at him as well as M'gann,Garth was reading the letter again.

Bart was concerned but confused,who could've done this and how long have they've been planning this out.

"Whoever did this is either a spy, someone who's a bit of a stalker or someone we know" Roy said,he looked over at Tigress
she probably got one as well.

"Does the league know?"Bart questioned

"Yeah,Flash decided to take up this case"Jaime said and Bart looked down he wondered why he didn't get one.

"This totally isn't crash we need to find this

"We will but right now we don't have any leads so the only thing we could do is wait for his next move"

Bart sighed he really wants to catch this guy so badly,sending these letters is one thing but who knows what's gonna happen next

Bart returned home after that,he stuck around with Jaime and Tim for a little bit but then decided to go home.Bart opened to see laughter coming from the dining room.

Bart looked to see Barry,Iris and some stranger with black hair and blue eyes,he had what was most likely a fake American accent but you could notice the European tone to his words.

The stranger was sitting with them talking.Bart saw the stranger look up at him.
Something about this guy didn't feel right.

"Oh is this Bart you where talking about?"

Barry and Iris looked over and to see Bart standing in the entrance way to the dining room.

"Hey Kid this is Dick Grayson he's a good friend of ours"Barry said trying to break the slience.

"Yes,I've been friends with the Allen's for quite some time now,strange that this is the first time I'm meeting you"

Bart sat down next to Barry dismissing the name choice for the visitor

"Oh well it's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you as well"Dick smiled at him but Bart didn't feel right with him around
while Dick was talking about certain things
he always saw him sending a glare his way.
It was almost like this guy already knew him personally.

"It's getting late I really should be going,but
it was so nice catching up with you both " Dick got up and put on his jacket that was on his chair.

"Yes it most definitely was"Iris got up and with a smile he hugged Dick and then hugged Barry.

"Come back anytime"Barry put a hand on his shoulder,Dick looked over at Bart.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Bart"Dick said with a smile but the aura around him,
Bart could tell that he was menacing,he smiled nervously"

"Uh Yeah you too"

Dick waved goodbye to the Allen's and walked out of the house,at this moment
Bart knew who had sent those letter he had
a gut feeling it was Dick.

They just had let their own enemy into their

Don't get Dick wrong he loved Wally's family and absolutely loved talking with them,but
with Bart he didn't like as much.Dick was perfect aware of Wally's retirement from his
team but still played a part with them if needed.

But for Barry to let Bart take Wally's place
it angered him but he could let that slide for
now,he'll wait for him to prove himself,to see if he's fit for that mantle.

As long as the Allen's stay out of his way and
let get what he wants then that's all that matters to him at least.

AN:posted 6 first for thise who have been reading this if you just started nevermind this

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