Spring Break Pt.1

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It has been a couple of months since Xenovia joined, and she was a little too, too conformable, and it has been a couple of weeks since my parents left and everything back to normal. Almost, Konako and me got closer, and it was almost time for spring break, and I was planning on spending it sleeping and playing video games, but Rias has other plans.

"We are going to go to the underground for spring break." Rias said while sipping her tea, I looked confused, "I thought we were spending the break at the house?" "Well Iessei is lagging behind on his training and getting stronger, and, I want to pay my parents a visit." I was confused on the whole ordeal. "So much for chilling around the house, right Konako?" I say while looking down at her.

And to my surprise, she was spacing out, more than usual, and she looked worried, "Hey, Konako?" I ask in a softer voice, and that made her jump, which made me even more concerned. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Hey, you ok?" She looks up at me, "Yeah, I'm fine." She said as she walked out of the room. After a couple of more minutes, Azazle came around to my house to explain when and where we are going, I was supprised once I had said that we are also bodyguards for an alliance later on into the weeks.

I gave out a sigh, "Does this mean that I have to see people that I know?" I say groaning, "Come on Y/N, it might not be that bad.." Iessei said chuckling, I turn to him, looked him straight in the eye, "Yeah, when basically everyone that is a demon and an Angle know that me, an heir to the L/N family might marry the daughter of the Gremory family." I say sarcastically, once I had said that, Konako came back into the room and sat down next to me. Iessei seemed confused on why I threw in the angles for, I gave out a sigh, "I guess there is no hiding it now.." I say rolling my eyes.

I give in a deep breath, "My father is one of the high ranking devils, and my mother is an high ranking Arch angle, ther happy now?" I say scoffing. There was a silence, "Honesty, I wasn't surprised, you are.. different.." Akeno said chuckling. I sat there dumbfounded, and even Konako saw what I was hiding, "So I hid this from you for no reason?" "Yeah, basically." Rias said while taking a sip of her tea again. "I'm getting too tired for this, I'm going to bed.." I say getting up from the couch and going upstairs.

Once I had gotten up to my room, I peeled off my clothes until I was just in my sport's bra, I flop on the bed, drape over one of the rinkly covers over me, curl up in the ball and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. After a couple of minutes of me trying to get some sleep, I gave up and just decided to just watch Netflix until I pass out.

After just a bit of me watching Netflix, Konako came into the room, apparently to check up on me, "You're awake." "Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I say yawning. Konako started to climb onto the bed, and crawl near me. Once she was close enough, she sat next to me, she put her head onto my shoulder, "I still like no matter what you are." Konako said quietly, I gave out a quiet sigh, "I know.." There was a conformable silence between us, and I finally was able to fall asleep, on Konako's lap. Suprising.

Konako's P.O.V

As Y/N fell alseep on my lap, I felt safe with her, I gave out a small smile and started to pet her head ad I started to watch whatever is on the TV. I could feel Y/N move closer to me and started to snuggle with my thighs? To be honest I didn't question it, I carefully made Y/N detach herself from me, I quietly left the bed, went over to the closet to change into one of her shirts. Once I was done, I walk over to the window to close the curtains, walk over to the light switch to turn off the lights.

Once all that was done, I finally got back into the bed, snuggled up agenst her chest feeling it go up and down as she breathed. I wrap my arms around her back as I took in her smell I quickly fell asleep.

It was the next day, and it was sort of still dark out, and since that I woke up so early I might as well could pack mine and Y/N's bags for the trip, carefully, I move myself from Y/N sneak past the sleeping kitty, and to the closet where she kept her suitcases. I carefully started to take our some of our clothing, fold them, and carefully trying to put them in the suitcases.

Once I was done with that, I went to the bathroom to find new and unused brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and a few extra things. Once that was all pact, I gave out a quiet sigh, by now the sun was rising and some people was getting ready for the school day. And I also decided to do the same, I went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I see Y/N get up from the bed and struggling to get to the bathroom. Once she had seen me, she immediately went over and put her chin on my head.

"Well good morning sleepyhead." I say spitting out the toothpaste, "Our suitcases is already packed." She said groggly, "Yeah, I woke up earlier than usual so I decided to get ours done earlier than the others." I say rinsing off the brush, "Well look at you, you are like my wife." Y/N said while giving me a kiss on the cheek in which made me heat up with blush.


As we entered school, I had walked Konako to her classroom as per usual, she gives me a kiss on the cheek and then I walked over to my classroom, once I had entered the classroom I see Iessei flying my way and out of pure instinct, I dodge. I look where he landed and didn't bother to help him up, but that was my undoing.

I was instead being bombarded with questions by Musuda and Mordihama, "Y/N, is it true that you, Iessei, and the girls are going out of country for spring break?!" I raise my eyebrow at that specific question "Yes, why do you ask?" "Well we see you and the schools mascot Konako Tojō a whole lot" I gave out a scoff, "Oh so you have been stalking me?"

They looked scared once I said said that, "No! It's just that, there are rumors going around that you and her are dating, and we wanted to know that it is true." I roll my eyes, 'of course people are going to talk, why am I not surprised' I think to myself. "Yes we are going out, but if you tell anyone about this." I say pulling them closer to my mouth, "I will make sure you two will never have your virginity permanent" I say letting go of them, and they were white as ghosts "Do you understand?" I asked, snd they were quick to respond with a yes.

The rest of the day was the same, but this time, I was permitted to go to today's club meeting today. As I walked in, I see Azazle in Rias's chair, again. I take a seat next to Konako, and odd enough, she started to blush. And the whole meeting was about what we were going to do once we were there, and it wad pretty boring. "And you are coming with us?" I say disappointed, "Yes I am, so don't get chummy with Konako on the train, alright?" Azazle said chuckling to himself.

My face started to heat up once he said that, but I agreed to suppress my urges when we were in the underground. "This was not the spring break I was expecting!" I say groaning.

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