2| Do the right thing

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My mom has a thing with not telling me things

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My mom has a thing with not telling me things. It's just what she does and it has always annoyed me. Ever since I was little and this stunt was one of many. I was staying with the Petersons. Arielle and my mom have been friends since they were in middle school and it defiantly shows because they both run some really successful company, what it actually is, well is something I don't really know.

Arielle's daughter Melody is such an innocent and sweet person but with that, she is also sarcastic annoying and doesn't take shit from anyone, especially me. We were the best of friends once. Since we were babies. When our moms thought it would be a good idea to send us to the same kindy, we instantly friended Brayden and Tyler, and ever since then, we have been so close. Me and Mel were extremely close, even when my parents split. She was so understanding and always made sure I was okay. But when I got into something I shouldn't of, I had no choice but to push her away. I didn't want her to be caught up in what I had become. Of course, I instantly regretted it but I didn't have much of a choice.

The boys say I did. They could've protected her. They said she wouldn't have cared what I do on the side and I know she wouldn't. Honestly, I think she would want to go every single time, but it was too late to fix it. She was mad at me and there was nothing to do to fix it. But when I arrived at her house on Friday, even though she sounded like she didn't want me there, her eyes, her expression said differently. I mean, over the weekend she tried so hard to try and get me to talk to her, to maybe try and fix something but I was stupid and didn't. But I want to fix it. I miss that girl so much it hurts me.

Her features haven't really changed since the last time I saw her. Her long brown hair and her cute smile.

I was standing in the hall with Brayden, Tyler, and Andrew. Andrew tried bullying Melody in freshman year, and well he earned a black eye because of it but seemed to forget about that. I spotted Melody walking past us, her hair suddenly down from its ponytail. She looks almost nervous walking down the halls, which isn't normal. Yeah, she got picked on when we were friends but she walked with confidence. How much has changed since I was gone? Our gaze meets but then Andrew catches me looking.

"Dude why are you staring at her? She is such an uptight and everyone literally hates her. She isn't a girl I would find myself going around with."

At that moment all I saw was red when I saw Melody's devasted face, tears forming in her eyes and she speeds off to what expecting is her next class...which is also mine. I turn to Andrew, my jew tight, my fists clenched. Before the boys could stop me, I threw my fisted and into Andrew's jaw, causing him to stumble back.

"You honestly didn't learn anything the last time I beat your ass did you?" I say, glaring at him.

A sudden realization hits his face as he cowers away from my gaze. "Dude I'm so sorry, I-"

"Forgot. We pretty much guessed that." Tyler says, irritation firm in his tone.

"Talk about her, talk to her, or even as much as look at her, you will wish you were never born," I say threatening.

Andrew nods and runs. I sigh and lean against the lockers.

"Bro, you okay?" Brayden asks.

"I don't know," I say with a sigh.

"Its Melody isn't it?" Tyler asks cautiously.

"I honestly thought I would be fine, coming back here, seeing her but I'm not. Sharing the house with her is so hard with trying to keep her at a distance."

"Then stop keeping her at a distance. Man you need to stop beating yourself up for this. Just stop being a dick and finally go after your girl. She is your best friend." Tyler then says.

"Do the right thing." Brayden then says.

I look at both my friends and realize they were right. Keeping my distance isn't working and is just making everyone miserable. I was finally gonna make things right, I was gonna tell her the truth and be the friend I had promised when we were five. After talking a little more, we decided to head to class and it was the same class Mel had. The three of us walk to the door and open it. We walk in, and couldn't care less the look the teacher gave us. He then started talking to us, saying we were late, but I wasn't focused on that. I was focused on the heart-wrenching sight in front of me.

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