7| Not even I would go this far

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I had agreed to go to Kaden's fight this Saturday as well as accompany him at his gym session after school on Thursday and Friday

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I had agreed to go to Kaden's fight this Saturday as well as accompany him at his gym session after school on Thursday and Friday. I am so excited to see him fight for the first time, even if may or may not be illegal. As far as I know, his mom doesn't know and I assured him I wouldn't let on what he did. It was Wednesday, the day after me basically getting jumped in the girl's bathroom. My face is still a little sore and bruised as well as my stomach but I was going to school. One small beating wasn't going to take me down too easily.

I searched through my closet to find something to wear. I decided on a dusty blue top with off-the-shoulder sleeves and a pair of skinny jeans. I threw on some white sneakers and pulled my hair in a messy bun, small strands framing my face.

 I threw on some white sneakers and pulled my hair in a messy bun, small strands framing my face

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I smiled and grabbed my backpack, making sure everything for today was in there. I walk down the stairs to find Kaden already waiting for me.

"Who are we trying to impress Mel?" Kaden asks, looking me up and down.

"Not you that's for sure," I say, pretending to flick my hair.

Before I could even process what was going on, Kaden's arms wrap around my waist and lift me up in the air, causing me to squeal.

"You sure sweetheart?"

"Yes. Now put me down you big bafoon." I try hitting him but I couldn't.

Eventually, he places me back down on my feet and we both head out of the house. Like always, Kaden drives and I blast and sing to the music from my phone. The boys actually left last night which was a change but their parents wanted them home which was understandable. We arrive at school and we get out. Brayden and Tyler were waiting for us, leaning against Tyler's white car. We both greet each other and ask if I was okay. I said I was and we all head to the entrance.

Kaden realizes my sudden change in mood when we came to the entrance of the school. I was actually kinda scared and that hardly ever happens. Kaden grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze in a reassuring way.

"Don't worry," Kaden whispers in my ear before we walk in.

I take a breath to calm myself as we walk down the halls. As usual, we went to each other's lockers to grab our stuff. As always, my locker is the last stop. I take out the books I need and stuff them into my bag. History and Art.

"I have a sleep lesson first up," I say to Kaden as I shut my locker.

"What lesson?" He asks, walking beside me.

"History. Mr. Harrison is so freaking boring." I exaggerate which caused him to chuckle

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides you have me in your class." Kaden sticks his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah cause that makes it so much better." I throw my hands in the air.

We continued to walk to History until we saw a large group around the large brick wall at the end of the hall. We give each other a confused look before forcing ourselves through to the front and what we saw, only caused our jaws to drop.

"I am officially scarred for life." Were the only words that came from my lips.

"Who did this?" Kaden asks. "I am mean not even I would go this far."

"That I can agree on," I say. "C'mon, let's get going."

We both turned around and were about to continue walking to history when Kaden's name was called over the speaker. Kaden kissed my forehead the top of my forehead before heading in the direction of the office. I say bye and head to history, sad I'm gonna be by myself. I walk into the classroom and sit in my spot. I wait for Mr. Harrison to walk into the room and start talking about some random shit that happened in the 1900s. I take out my book and rip out a page and start drawing. I was so concentrated on my masterpiece I never noticed Mr. Harrison stop talking and head to the ringing phone. I look up when he says my name.

"Miss Davis, I need you to head to the office. The principal would like to speak to you." He says, placing the phone on the receiver.

"Okay," I say quietly, packing up my things.

Shoving my books in my bag, I fold up my drawing and throw my backpack strap over my shoulder and head out of the classroom. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Usually, when I am sent to the principal office, which I have been to plenty of times, I know what I'm going in for. This time I was completely clueless and it scared me shitless. I take a breath before heading into the office, where I was directed straight to Mr. Carson's office. I knock on the door before I open it. I saw Mr. Carson sitting behind his big mahogany desk, Kaden seated in one of the seats in front of the desk, his arms crossed over his chest and his usual hard cold expression on his face.

"Take a seat, Miss Davis." Mr. Carson says, pointing to the seat next to Kaden.

I sit down and start fiddling with my fingers which was a nervous habit I had developed over the last few months. Kaden noticed and discreetly gave me his hand so I could fiddle with it. The first two minutes were full-on silence.

"Miss Davis, I'm sure you are aware of a poster of Mr. Pools and Mrs. Luster that is in the main hall." I slowly nod my head. "Mr. Knight here claims that he was with you all of yesterday afternoon. Is that true? Please answer honestly."

"Mr. Carson, I know what you are implying without you even having to say it. I can honestly assure you that Kaden didn't put that poster up in that hall. He was with me the whole day. I had gone home early because I wasn't feeling well and he said that he would go with me to make sure I was okay." I say, raising my voice in irritation. Mr. Carson gave me a skeptical look which only fueled my anger even more. "Mr. Carson, yes I have been sent here many times before and I have been in trouble but I have never once lied to any teacher or you. I can count many times where I have been called in here on the account of my three friends. Do you recall me once lying to you about where they have been or even where I have been?"

The hand Kaden had on my lap when I was fiddling, suddenly squeezed my hand, helping me to calm down a little. I look over at him and he gives me a small smile saying it was okay but it only lasted for a second before it went back to his hard expression. I sit back in my seat, calming my breathing. Mr. Carson looks at the two of us, his hard stare not making either of us flinch. Both Kaden and I were accustomed to it at this point.

"Yes I take into consideration that you have never lied to any teacher about the whereabouts of this boy or any of your group and I commend you on that as well." Mr. Carson started. I felt like there was a but coming in and I held my breath. But there wasn't.

"So I am I not being accused for this shit. Because I wouldn't go this fair when it comes to giving teachers hard times." Kaden says, the slightest bit of hope in his tone.

"Yes, you are off the hook because your story checks out." Mr. Carson continues to lecture us about staying out of trouble and then reminds us of the detention we have on Saturday which I'm still bumbed about.

We finally were able to leave and the first period already was finished and students were hurryingly getting to their next classes. Kaden walks me to art before he leaves for his own class. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Lunch was the same. Though the girls that beat me up yesterday were glaring at me most of the day. None of the boys left my side. It was annoying when I wanted to go to the bathroom but I understood why they did it so I looked past it. 

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