4| The Truth

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Today was something else

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Today was something else. I learned a lot of things and they had nothing to do with school. When I went over to comfort Melody, she looked like she had been crying. I knew she heard what Andrew said about her which only wanted me to kill him even more. But when I moved her hair, I noticed her wrist, and that only made my heart warm slightly. When were around 16, we snuck out and got matching tattoos. Don't ask me how because no one will ever know. She hadn't removed it. I then also noticed the bruises on her cheeks. I knew she was gonna lie because she always does, I was gonna get an answer one way or another.

I knew at that moment I had to comfort her in some way. So I did the one thing I knew, the one thing she always did to me. Give her a hug and pull her close. She seemed to visibly calm down and I smiled that it worked and that she wasn't pushing me away. I also found out that since I pushed her away, people in this bloody school started picking on her and it looked like it was getting pretty physical.

Then the desperate bimbos of the school decided to insult Melody so me and the boys do what we do best and annoy the hell out of them, which only caused Melody to spill about the bullying. Honestly, today has been so good. I honestly missed Melody and the real Melody. Her laugh, sarcastic remarks her jokes, and just her being an idiot with no care in the world. That defiantly showed when we were driving back home. I couldn't help but join in. I mean how could I not.

"Kaden? You okay?" Melody pulls me out of my trance.

"Yeah," I said, obviously lying.

I told the guys I would tell Melody why I had pushed her away, tell her the truth but I was scared I am going to lose her. Taking a breath, I grab Melody's hand and take her to the living room. I try not to smile at her confused, scrunched-up face. It was honestly so cute.

"Melody I really need to tell you something and it's really important," I say.

She puts on a serious face and sits down on the couch. "Okay."

"The reason I pushed you away those years ago was because I was scared you were going to stop being friends with me. I also pushed you away because I didn't want you getting caught up in what I got myself in. But then the boys really knocked some sense into me and I realized that I could protect you and make sure you didn't get caught up. But my first fear of losing you is still here."

She grabs my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. "Kaden, I would never stop being friends with you. You are my best friend and no matter what you do or have gotten yourself into, that is never gonna change."

I take a breath and grab both her hands in mine. "When my parents divorced I became really angry with my dad. But it wasn't after a couple of months that I realized I didn't have anywhere for that anger to go and I also realized that I was really angry. So I turned to underground fighting. Stupid me, signed a 10-year contract with some guy without thinking much. The only thing I was thinking of was that I was gonna finally get my anger out. I then didn't want you caught up in all this so I completely tried to shut you out. But that only broke me more and only caused me to become even angrier. It made me think I was turning into my dad."

"Kaden, why didn't you tell me? I would never have judged you. This was your way of dealing with everything and I respect that." Melody inches closer and embraces me in one of her hugs.

I instantly hug her back, feeling warm and happy. I haven't left like this in a long time. I finally feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me and I can breathe properly again. When we pull away, she gives me the biggest smile before asking whether I wanted to watch a movie with her. I agreed and we laid down on the couch. I was was under her, playing with her hair as her head rests on my chest. She finally picks a movie and hits play.

I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. I was more focused on her. I realized this ages ago but I knew I started to develop feelings for her and I didn't know what to do. I guess I was mainly scared because I don't do relationships. I always told myself I would never get into a relationship because I knew I would just hurt them. I was more like my dad. More than I would like to admit.

I look down to see Mel looking at me with a smile. "Are we friends again K?"

"Course sweetheart. Always have been, always will be." I smile back down at her, kissing the top of her forehead.

She smiles back at me and starts wiggling around, getting comfy, turning her attention back to the movie. I start running my hand through her hair and within 10 minutes I find Mel asleep on top of me. I look at her peaceful state and debate whether I should disturb her peaceful state or not. I decided just to let her sleep. I turn off the TV and close my own eyes, wrapping my arms around her. Were things finally going well???

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