11| Long time no see Melody

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I woke up with arms around my torso and a head resting on my bare chest

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I woke up with arms around my torso and a head resting on my bare chest. My arms were also holding a small very familiar body to my side. A smile appears on my face when I look down at Melody's peaceful sleeping figure. She looked like she didn't have worries in the world. I smile and start running my hand carefully through her hair. This was the second night she had slept in the same bed as me. Saturday after the fight then last night. Now today was Monday and I honestly don't wanna go to school. I am really only going for Melody's sake, especially with everyone in that god damn school picking on her for no reason.

I am brought out of my thoughts when she starts to stir. I look down at her and see her eyes flutter open.

"Mmm, morning." She says, still half asleep.

"Hey sleepy." I say with a smile.

"Hey, only I'm allowed to call you that." Melody sits up and stretches her arms before getting out of the bed, her bed shorts ridden up slightly.

She must have caught he staring slightly because she pulls her pants back down, a light blush also dusting her cheeks. She walks out of my room, turning into her own. I lay in my bed for a while, going over what has happened over the past couple of days. I finally have a claim on the girl of my dreams and turns out she felt the exact same way. I finally decide to get out of bed because I knew if I didn't get out of bed before she finished getting changed, I was in for it. I felt lazy, throwing on jeans, a grey hoodie and some random sneakers. I run a hand through my hair a few times and make my way down stairs, looking around the living room for my school bag. I remember throwing it around here somewhere on Friday before I went to the gym with Mel. I finally find it and throw it over my shoulder.

My phone suddenly buzzes and take out seeing Brayden texted me. He and Tyler needed a ride since they both don't have their cars today. I text back that we would pick them up and stuck my phone back into my pocket. I look up and see Melody coming down the stairs.

"We gotta pick up Brayden and Tyler on our way

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"We gotta pick up Brayden and Tyler on our way. Neither of the idiots have their cars and they don't know what a bus is." I say as she comes up to me.

"We should leave them and see what they do." Melody says with a laugh heading to the front door.

"On the day Brayden and Tyler have an exam."

"Okay never mind. Watching them cran study is way too entertaining but then we would have to hear them complain."

Melody and I get in the car and of course, she connects her phone to the Bluetooth and starts blasting music. Today she started off with 'I'm walking on Sunshine'. Over the years I have been able to tell how Melody feels by the music she listens to or what she draws at the time. She doesn't know I know otherwise she won't anymore. I know she is defiantly in happy mood. We finally arrive at Brayden's house and both boys climb into the back.

"Why is it always this song?" Tyler groans.

"I like this song stupid. Besides this is my car so my music." Melody shoots back, enjoying the song.

I shake my head as Tyler and Melody start to argue. There were insults flying left right and centre. These two will honestly never change. AFter a painful 10 minutes we finally arrive at school. Melody and I haven't exactly said whether we are going to keep our relationship on the down low or whether we are going to be public. I'm gonna let Mel chose what she wants to do because as long as she is mine and I know it, I don't really mind.

We all get out of the car and what happens next I was not expecting. As soon as Melody and Tyler are out of the car, I hear a scream and turn to see Tyler running away, Melody chasing behind him. They come back round here when I see Melody jump onto Tyler's back. I could see at least why she was chasing him. He had taken her phone.

"Get your crazy ass girlfriend off me man!" Tyler cries. "OW! Melody stop hitting me."

I walk over, trying to keep a smile off my face and try and detach Melody from Tyler. After a few tugs I manage to get her off, but she was still kicking and screaming.

"Mel. Calm down." I say, trying to contain her outburst and get her to calm down.

"NO! LET ME AT HIM KADEN!!" Melody screams.

"Calm down." Melody eventually stops when she sees she wasn't going to win.

"Fine. But Tyler watch you back, this isn't over." Meldoy narrows her eyes, giving him a glare. "And give me back my phone asshole."

Tyler rolls his eyes but walks over to give it back to her. Honestly I think this boy has forgotten what happens when you make her a crazy and attack you. You generally have to stay away for month, even after then she still remembers and gives you hell. I could see exactly what was gonna happen here. Tyler walks over to Melodyy and hands her, her phone. She takes, with a sickly sweet smile. Then quick as lightning, you see a blur and Tyler is crying out in pain, holding his dick and bending over.

Brayden breaks out in laughter and I only then realize that he was filimung the whole thing. I also broke into a laugh.

"Fuck you guys." Tyler groans. He turns to Melody. "You are a physco bitch Melody."

"But you love me." Melody grins and takes my hand, starting to walk the front of the school.

Brayden catches up and I look over to see what he was doing. He was posting the video. Tyler was gonna have his head for that but these boys just do this to each other. They do it to me because I would actually kill them and well they are too protective of Melody to do it to her as well as they are scared that she will have a similar episode she just had if they did. However, she does do it to them all the time.

We were had waked through the entrance of the school and up to Melody's locker first when I see Melody freeze, her grip on my hand tighter and her whole body going pale. At first I thought it was those bitches that beat her up or Andrew but when I looked over to where her locker was, my entire body went tense, my jaw tensing.

"Long time no see Melody."

What the fuck was he doing here?

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