14| Threats

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I woke up with Melody peacefully sleeping in my arms

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I woke up with Melody peacefully sleeping in my arms. The past couple of days have been pretty hard. Andrew has been being a total dick towards Melody and I honestly want to punch his lights out. Damien and Andrew have basically ganged up on Melody and she hasn't been taking it well. I hate seeing her like this. It makes me feel so helpless. I am on such a tight leash now at school as well because some shit bag decided to tell the principal it was me that destroyed the bathroom. I mean they aren't wrong but that doesn't mean you have to get me into trouble for it. I think Carson is starting to lose his patience with me again.

Melody starts to stir in my arms. Her eyes flutter open and I give her a smile.

"Morning Beautiful," I say, wiping the few strands out of her face.

"Morning." She says, letting out a yawn. "I don't wanna go to school."

I could see the pain on her face and I saw the tears well up in her eyes. I sit up and bring her up on my lap. I wrap my arms around her and she cries in my chest. I place a kiss on her head.

"Don't worry Melody. We will get through this together." I say, trying to keep my voice soft, despite the anger that is running through me at the moment.

She pulls away and wipes her eyes though there are still tears running down her face. "How Kaden? You are one fight from getting suspended or even expelled."

I take her face in my hands, using my thumbs to wipe her tears. "We show that we are stronger than them. That we don't care what they do or say. Melody, it's time to show them the real you."

She just looks at me confused. "I do though?" It came out more of a question and I think she realized that.

"No. The real you and the person Tyler, Brayden, your mom, my mom gets to see, have the privilege to know. Melody you aren't a scared girl that lets people push around. You stand up for yourself. You don't care what people say about how you dress or how you act. The people at school need to see the badass Melody Davis."

 "I guess I never thought about that." She puts her arms around my waist. "Thanks, Kaden. I really needed that. Now come on and let's go kick some ass." 

Kaden left a kiss on my head and got up to get changed and ready for school

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Kaden left a kiss on my head and got up to get changed and ready for school. I tried so hard not to cry from his words. They were so heart-felt. He was right though. I wasn't being me when I was at school and not around my friends. It is about time that I stand up for myself and just be me. I walked over to my closet and looked through my clothes looking for something cute and badass to wear today. I decided on an off-the-shoulder crop top and a floral skirt.

I slipped on some sneakers and pulled my hair into a messy bun

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I slipped on some sneakers and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I did my makeup and gave myself a smile. I grab my backpack and phone and head down the stairs. I found Kaden leaning against the staircase never looking better. He gives me a smile.

"Well doesn't someone look nice?" He says, giving my temple a kiss. "I also think that we should make this public." Kaden flciks between him and I.

"Yes please," I say, giving his lips a beck before heading out the door.

The ride to school was super fun. We sang and were being completely stupid. I was honestly glad that I had him. I'm not too sure where I would be without him. We arrived at school but before I could open my door, it opens for me only to see Kaden's hand on the handle. I roll my eyes and get out of the car.

"What? I can't help my girlfriend out of the car?" He says with a smirk.

"Why are you such an ass sometimes." I say, throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"I wouldn't know. ANd you love this ass though." Kaden says.

"That I do."

Toegther, hands intertwined, we headed through the front doors of the school. I ignored all the stares and whispers made by everyone. Have they not seen us walk into school together. We drop our stuff off at our lockers and go and find Tyler and Brayden. We end up finding them at Brayden's locker.

"Looks like you guys have finally decided to make this official I see," Tyler says with a smirk.

"Yup," I say with a big grin on my face.

The four of us continue to talk until we go to our first class. I had English first with all the boys so I was grateful that I still had my friends. But as I was walking to my seat, Tracey pulled her foot up, tripping me over. The entire class erupted with laughter which was cut short and I could feel the tension. I'm guessing Kaden and the boys had something to do with it. A pair of strong hands helped me up and I then felt someone's lips against my forehead.

I shot Kaden a small smile and continued my journey to my seat. I sat down and the teacher started going on about the project we will be receiving soon. I took out my English book and went to the next available page. Only the page wasn't empty. There was a message written in red messy handwriting. I elbowed Kaden who was on his phone and showed him my page. His brows furrowed then a look of concern swept over his face as well as a look of worry. Worry isn't an emotion I often see on Kaden's face so I started to get scared.

Who the hell could be threatening me??

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