Info and Note

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Soulmate(s) is/are the people who will love you unconditionally. They can either be romantic or platonic relationships with each other. Soulmates have soul marks that represent each other, and these soul marks are tattoo-like of your full name that can be found in your soulmate's body. 

Soul marks burn when your soulmate is nearby and they will burn and tingle at the same time if they are near you. It is not painful when it happens it's just going to feel like you are getting a fever.

When your soulmate accepts you, your soul marks will turn golden while if they reject you, the soul marks will disappear. There is a chance of having a second chance of having soulmates but it is a rare case.

And Soulmates have the ability to feel each other's emotions, but it can be turn on and off depending on the particular soulmate. 


Amara Smith is the main character in this book. Her powers will slowly unravel as the story progressed. Since this is an au, the plot happens differently from the Marvel movies. But the marvel characters are the same, especially the portrayer of it {because they are good😉😏... I'm definitely sure you know what I mean 😏)

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