5. Bookstore

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Chapter 5: Bookstore

Amara stops the taxi driver at the busiest street in New York and look around the area. Since she has the time for herself today, might as well spoil herself. She follows the wave of people and spots a cute bookstore. She open its door after arriving and entered the shop. 

A homey feeling greets her as the design of the store is very welcoming. There are bookshelves at the far end of the shop and tables and chairs in the middle where a few people are sitting. She was surprised at the size of the store as it didn't seem big outside. 

A lady in her early twenties manning the cashier looked up as she entered and smiled at her in greeting. Amara smiled back and look around the place.

Amara walked past the tables and into the book area. Seeing the variety of books inside, she was happy to take books that interest her. She spent hours exploring the place and took five interesting books. She finished ready a book and was planning to look at the other shelves when she looked down as she felt the soul marks on her right rib and left shoulder blade burning and tingling at the same time.

Her head snapped as she look around the area. She tried to move to the last row but felt her burns worsen so she ran towards the cashier lady. She was thankful that no one is paying as she put the books on the counter and anxiously wait for the cashier to finish scanning.

The lady said the price and she gave a ten-dollar bill. Panicking as she felt her soulmates getting near, she snatched the paper bag from the cashier's hand and ran out of the store to the busy street without getting the change.


Bruce stops as he sees a bookstore and looks at his companion.

"I'll go inside, you can leave if you want." Loki raised his brow as Bruce left without hearing his reply. He follows him with a shrug, guessing that forcing a certain Midgardian doctor out of his nest can be irritating to them.

He entered after Dr. Banner and paused as he was immediately interested in seeing rows of bookshelves at the end of the store. He moved past the tables and moved towards the last row, where he saw Dr. Banner go.

Bruce look up from reading the book he was holding as he heard some movements and saw that it was Loki. He lost interest and then looked down at a chemistry book he was holding as it is more interesting than a certain god of mischief.

Loki saw that Banner looked down at his book again so he also picked one Midgardian book.

The both of them remain silent as they read, not minding each other, the weird combination of the two surprisingly creates a harmonious atmosphere. Only the flipping of pages and breathing can be heard in their area. A few people walked passed them but did not recognize their identity as Loki disguised themself differently.

Hours have passed and Loki closed the third book he finished and stand up from leaning on the wall. He look at Banner and saw that he was still reading something but different this time. Walking past the busy doctor, he was about to put the book back in its original place when he felt his left shoulder blade burns.

The sound of a book falling can be heard as he looked at his companion and see him holding his right rib with the book he was reading on the floor. They looked at each other and nodded as they both understand what is happening.

The two ran from the corner and looked around the area. They split as they look at a different location to where their soulmate could be. After a few minutes of searching, they met near the cashier without a result. 

Bruce gasped as he ran hard to find his soulmate but to no avail. He put his hand on his knees, panting, and looked at Loki who was looking at his soul mark, which stops burning a while ago.

"What happened? Did you see her?" Loki snapped out of his daze and looked back at Bruce.

"No. She must have left already." He showed a look of disappointment and stand properly.

"At least we know she is still here. Let's tell the others." Loki agreed and the two rushed towards the exit of the store. They had to break the news to the others.


Amara stops at an alley and breathes deeply as the burning stops. She patted her heaving chest as she tried to calm herself down, cursing a certain someone in her mind. After she calmed down, only now did she see where she ran off. It was a dirty alley with trash all on the ground. 

She left the alley after feeling that her soulmates must be gone and joined the crowd. She looked at her watch and saw that it was near six in the evening, which means time for dinner.

Time passed by so fast as she patted her flat stomach and felt her hunger. She did not feel anything while reading a while ago, which always happens every time she is invested in things.

She walked around the street trying to find a decent restaurant that might interest her.

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