16. Spied on

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Chapter 16: Spied on

Unknown, or perhaps not, to others, someone is using a binocular to see what is happening on the rooftop of the avengers tower. A woman with pink hair pulled into two side buns clicked her tongue at seeing her target leaving the rooftop before giving the binocular to the man beside her. She leaned on the railings before facing the man with a curious look.

"Why didn't we attack? Now is a good chance to catch them off guard." She said while taking out a bubble gum and throwing it inside her mouth. The man she was talking with stopped spying the opposite building and sat down to arrange his equipment he didn't have the time to use.

"Change of plans. Our intel gave us the wrong information. Dr. Strange and the two Asgardian gods arrived at the scene." The man paused his movement for a second before answering without any expression on his face.

"Well, that's a shame we still have no weapon to use against those three of today would be a good day to fight." The woman pouted at hearing this, clearly disappointed but her eyes lit up as she thought of something. "Maybe I should pay a visit to the institute so those scientists and I can have a sincere talk." She saw the man finishing his packing and turned to glare at her before standing up from the ground and making his way to leave.

"Forget it. I don't want to find a way to look for other scientists if those people in the institute end up dead again." He said. The woman looked at the man's back as he walked away and immediately followed, not wanting to be left behind.

"You really are not fun at all." The man didn't reply and wordlessly opened the door. He signaled the woman to enter first before following behind. The door shut and the rooftop remained its previous calmness, completely resuming its previous empty state.


The elevator door opened revealing Amara and Nick. They walked out and Nick led her to where the car was parked. It was a black car without any logo. Seeing the familiar car, both of them entered with Nick as the driver.

The car started and slowly left the parking space, both of them remained silent. Amara looked outside the window the whole time, deep in thought. Nick didn't disturb her and focused on driving. After more than half of the journey, Amara turned to look at Nick.

"There is someone spying on us." She said, before turning in front, watching the busy streets, which are not that empty as many people are walking in the night and a few vehicles as they drive past. Nick didn't look at her but nodded his head.

"I know that. Or else how can the old guys know the attack that fast?" He said, patting the steering wheel. Amara rolled her eyes and took a deep sigh.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about when we are on the rooftop." She said as she turned to look at Nick, "Someone is watching us." Nick stopped his patting and turned serious with a frown on his face.

"Who do you think it is?" He asked her knowing that she must have known something, or else she wouldn't talk about it right now.

"It must be the same group as the one who attacked today. They must be the back up, although I don't know why they didn't attack." She said and didn't continue anymore. She still has no idea on who attacked today and only assumptions. It seems like she has to do some work tomorrow.

'I initially thought I had some time to rest since I let that matter go. But it seems like, someone doesn't want to let me go.' She sighs.

The rest of the ride to Amara's apartment was silent. Due to the news she said, both of them are deep in their thoughts.

The car slowly stopped in front of a familiar building and Amara looked outside. She took off her seatbelt and walked out of the car, but didn't close the door. She ducked down to see Nick, who gave her a questioning look.

"I'll be missing for two days. Help me give a reason to your boyband." And with that, she closed the door. Not letting Nick reply and walked away. Nick just rolled his eyes, a hint of helplessness on his face. He started the engine after watching the figure walk inside, and left shaking his head. He put his hand on head as he felt an incoming headache at the thought of the avengers going after him after they found out that she can't be contacted, but he doesn't have a choice now, does he?

Amara entered her apartment and walked towards her bedroom straight to her bathroom. What she wanted at this moment is to take a refreshing bath and a good sleep after all the things that happened today. She walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, wearing a nightdress. Looking outside the window, it was still dark, probably around midnight. She walked towards her bed and lay down. Sighing softly as she felt the softness of her mattress against her tired body. She lay on her left side and closed her eyes, feeling its heaviness.

She wants to sleep now unlike her routine of remaining awake at nighttime because she has a feeling that she won't be able to rest for a while.

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