12. Sudden Attack

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Chapter 12: Sudden Attack

Tony was talking to Nick and Maria about something. Feeling a foreign emotion felt inside him, he turned to the direction he last saw their soulmate, who is enjoying a drink at the bar counter. He gave a thumbs-up to Bruce, who looked confused and surprised while looking at them while beside her. Beaming as he turned to the couple beside him, he ignored their surprise stares and took a sip of his champagne. 

His happy mood was broken by the sound of glasses breaking and the crowd running around in panic. Looking at the source, he saw a group of ten people in black break the glass windows and entered the party. He leave the couple as he walked around the scene. The SHIELD agents, who are present on the scene immediately supported the civilians out of the room as soon as possible.

His eyes searching for their soulmate, he found her unaffected by the chaos, still drinking her cocktail. Running towards her side, his eyes focused on the group of men who showed up at his party uninvited. Halfway through, he watched as they did not fire immediately, but looked around the area. As if finding their target, the men raised their guns and aimed. Eyes widening, Tony saw the place they were aiming, it was Amara.

"Sonofabitch!" He cursed loudly before calling his suit. 


Peter walked out of the bathroom and heard the sounds of panic shouts. Running through the hallway, a figure in red and gold flashed from his side, and something was thrown in his hand. Seeing a communicator, he put it on his ear before following where the figure goes and saw Tony rushing to the bar counter.

"Mr. Stark! I---"

Sounds of guns firing and a big green figure roaring while taking the bullets as if protecting someone. Remembering their soulmate being beside Bruce, Peter's eyes widen, and felt himself panicking but remembering the situation, it's not the time for panic attacks.

Peter looked around the place where he was and saw a glass table beside him. Aiming his web-shooter at the ceiling, he shot the ceiling with his left hand and let himself get carried to the air before aiming at the glass table, he take it and throw it at the assassins. Four of the assassins who crowded together were thrown outside the window, while the remaining six were able to dodge.

"Nice one, kid." Peter heard Tony's voice and beamed in his direction, who is shooting at the assassin.


Steve raised from his seat the moment the floor was broken into. He turned to Nat, Clint, Bucky, and Sam beside him and gave them instructions.

"Nat and Clint, I want you to support the civilians out of the building and then check the situation downstairs." The two immediately nodded and walked away. He turned to the other two and pointed upstairs. "Bucky, Sam, you go upstairs. Find out where they are coming from above." He patted their shoulders and pushed them away. 

Looking around the place, he saw Bruce being Hulk and Tony fighting those assassins while on the bar counter. Strangely, the assassins seem to be aiming only at that place. Feeling something thrown his way, he raise his hand to catch it and found out it was a communicator. Looking up, he saw Peter signaling at his ears before running away. Understanding, he put it on his ear.

"Stark? Peter? What's the situation?" Steve asked as he run towards one of the corners of the room. He opened one of the cabinets placed there and look for a switch. Finding a blue and a red button, he clicked on the red button. A secret compartment opened at the side containing his shield and a few guns tucked away. 

"The enemies seem to be targeting Amara. Where are the others?" Tony said. Steve saw his shield and take it before he took some of the guns and closed the cabinet doors. 

"Probably somewhere." He answered before entering the fight.


"JARVIS, which floor is the intruders?" Bucky heard Sam ask Tony's A.I. 

"They are on the rooftop, Mr. Falcon." JARVIS replied. Bucky heard Sam say his thank you as they ran to the emergency stairs. Opening the door, he positioned himself in the front and checked the inside. Finding no one, they immediately run upstairs and stopped at their target floor.

Opening the door at the size of a crack, he positioned his eyes where he can see the situation and widened his eyes. A helicopter was mid-air in the middle of the rooftop, dropping men to the rooftop before leaving. Those people walked to the left side of the ground, where countless men in black are near the edge of the building, positioning ropes on a strong foundation connected to their bodies before jumping down the building. Beside them are a group of five giving weapons to those who jumped down.

"Let me see." Bucky slides to the side and lets Sam see the situation. 

"Damn. They dropped ten men every two minutes." Sam said after seeing it. "Who the heck are these people?" He said in annoyance as he looked at Bucky before contacting Steve.

"Cap, do you hear me?" He repeats it two times more before a sound can be heard from his earpiece.

"I can hear you, Sam. What's the situation there?" Sounds of gun firing and things breaking can be heard from the background, with Steve sounding a little bit out of breath.

"A helicopter dropped ten people every two minutes on the rooftop, with a group of people with weapons on the ground, probably a hundred or more. We can take them all but it's best to send some backup." Sam said while looking back at what is happening outside.

"Okay. I'll send Thor and Loki up there, so hold on." Sam nodded his head at Bucky who begin counting using his finger. 

"Roger that--- Hey!" He replied to Steve before looking at his friend who opened the door abruptly and rush towards the enemy while firing his guns.

"Bucky, you idiot!" Having no choice, he too, rushed to the enemy while firmly holding his gun.

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