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Hello! Yes, yes it's being rewritten. I think I have a problem with perfecting my writings... but that doesn't matter now. I actually fixed the plot this time around and finalized how I want things to go. It's going to be very similar to the old one. But that's okay!


As always, there's warnings before something graphic and bloody. Do note, if there's something that may be sensitive to readers, and I'm not aware of, just kindly let me know and I'll have it fixed ASAP.


Basic information:
Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last name
F/c: Favorite color
F/f: Favorite food
H/c: Hair color
H/l: Hair length
E/c: Eye Color

There will be none of these:
M/n: Moms name
D/n: Dads name
S/n: Sisters name
B/n: Brothers name

The reason being because, you never know someone's situation at home. I make up fictional parents or siblings for my characters (yes you're my character lmao) so you don't have to feel uncomfortable if you have a bad situation. If I don't come up with something, I say Parent/guardian. I also don't put your irl friends in here, so there also won't be:

B/f: boy friend
Y/b/f: your best friend



If you've read the original as well as the tangled AU I hope this will be to your liking. And I'm happy you can be back for a third time. I just know you guys are in for an adventure.

Oh and hey, I'm doing a challenge for myself to write as much as I can on Wattpad before I graduate. And then I'm going to just disappear from Wattpad. Like not write again cause I need to move on, lmao. So if you like my writing style, check out the other fanfics I have and see if you're interested.

Anyways, thank you for reading this! I love you guys! <3

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