Chapter 7: Meeting the Mean girls

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🌺[Tip from the author: don't do something to make someone else happy. Only do things for yourself. <3]🌺


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At every school are those classic ass mean girls. You've always met your fair share of mean girls, and every time you became a target. In the orphanage, almost all the girls there thought you were weird. So in your book all of them were.

They would pull your hair, make fun of your 'imaginary' friends, and find any little reason they could find to hate you. Then there was the girls that picked on Julie. After you defended her, you became a target.

It was just a never ending cycle for you.

And now here you stand with paint dripping from your hair. The newly painted bench is ruined in pink paint. It was all you could focus on as you heard the gasps and giggles from all around you. You heard someone run up to you, you felt as they covered you with their robe and they dragged you away.

It was Serenity, she came to the rescue.

She pulled you inside and used a simple spell to clean you and her robe. "Y/N, are you alright?"

<Earlier That Week: Library: 6:30pm>

"Ugh, look at her. Forcing herself onto Tom." Your ears twitched at the high pitched voice. But you pretended not to hear anything as you continued to ask Tom for help on your homework. "She's so disgusting. Poor Tom." Another voice piped in.

You glanced to your left, where the three murmuring girls sat. Terry, Karen, and Lauren. Quite ironic that their queen bee is Karen. You shake you head and focused back on your homework.

"Wait, what was the recipe for Felix Felicis?" You asked the Brunette next to you. He looked over and onto your paper. "You're still on the first question?"


"We've been here for an hour, Y/n. Why didn't you ask me earlier?"


He sighs. He rips out a page of one of his notebooks and scribbles down the ingredients. He passed it over to you as you smiled. "Thanks! Gasp." You said as you grabbed a paper from your bag.

Tom looked at you with a what the f*ck face. "Why did you say, gasp, And not actually gasp?" You shrugged as you placed the rectangular paper down. It looked like a coupon. On a line you signed it.

"Here, it's an, I owe you coupon. Meaning I'll do you a favor in the future if you give it back." You placed it in front of him. "Where did you come up with this?" You stared at him in silence. "A lady and her talking cat inspired me..."

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