Chapter 2: Meeting him...

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You gripped your head as you sat on the ground. You weren't warned of the splitting headache and the sores that the time turners caused to your body.

Once the pain stopped you looked up. You found your self in headmaster McGonagals office. But it looked entirely different. It didn't look or smell like her in it. That's how you assumed it worked. Knowing Headmaster Dippet could walk in, in any moment, you snuck out and into the hallway. As you walked around the corridors you noticed it was night. You whispered, "lumos." To help brighten up the halls with your wand.

'No, wonder I haven't seen anyone. Oh well.' You slightly shrugged at the thought. You didn't know where to go, so you wandered to were the library was. 'Hopefully I can find Head- well I guess I should say Professor McGonagal, tomorrow morning.' Upon opening the library's door you gazed inside. Dead silent and completely dark.

You wondered around looking at the shelves.

"What're you doing out of bed?" A stern voice says from behind you. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest and you slowly turned around expecting to see a teacher. But you were greeted by a boy your age, his sharp brown- no reddish eyes stared down at you. You awkwardly laugh, "actually the question is, what are you doing at out of bed?" You point accusingly to the boy.

He scoffs. "I'm a prefect. It's my job to catch students like you." You glared at him. "Come on, I'm taking you to Professor McGonagal." You shrugged to yourself. 'Welp, I needed to go there anyways.' You said in your head.

A few minutes into the walk and you remind yourself you haven't even heard this boys name yet. "Umm, excuse me." You can't see his facial expressions as he walks in front of you, but guessing from his sigh, he must've rolled his eyes. "What?"

"I didn't catch your name." You calmly say to him.

"Tch, you really don't know it? How daft are you. Well to be fair I've never seen you before. It's Tom Riddle. You will only refer to me as Riddle. Or preferable, never at all." You stopped walking. Your heart sunk. You didn't think you'd get so scared being next to the younger version of Voldemort. You stared at him with wide eyes.

He stops walking when he noticed your footsteps came to a halt. "What're you doing? You're wasting my time." He gets fed up when you don't respond. He groans and roughly grabs you by the arm, continuing the journey to Professor McGonagal.

Was it wrong you for you to blush at the contact with him? You thought, no. You justified it as normal because he is pretty good looking. And he doesn't do anything extremely bad until he turns 16. Right? If you could shrug in your head then that's exactly what you did.

The two of you came to a stop. Right in front of a classroom. Next to the Door it has a small plate. Saying,

Room: ###
Professor McGonagall

Before Tom knocks on the door you stop him. "Riddle wait." He looks at you annoyed. "What?"

"You can let go of my arm now. Cause this is starting to feel romantical." He looks down and quickly let's go. He wipes his hand on his robe. You glare at him for the rude gesture. "Romantical, is not a word. And I was just dragging you around because you got scared at my name." You nod. "You right." He sighs again. "It's, you're right." He corrects you again.

Before you can respond with a dumb statement, 'I know I am', he knocks on the door.

The familiar voice calls back, saying come in.


There professor McGonagal Sat. She looked younger. She still had the intimidating aura around her, unfortunately. She looked at you from behind Tom, her eyebrow quirked up in confusion. As you smiled back nervously. "Professor, I'm sorry to intrude, but I found this student roaming around the Library." She nods. "Thank you, Mr Riddle. I'll speak with her. You are dismissed." He nodded and proceeded to leave the room. After the door closes behind you, Professor McGonagal starts to question you. "Who are you? And how did you get into Hogwarts?"

You let put an awkward laugh. "Heh, well that's a long story..." she crosses her arms, her right hand gripping onto to her wand. "Explain then." You take a deep breath. "Well... My name is Y/N, and I'm from the future." You reached under your shirt for the time turner. As you pulled it out, the necklace snaps. Breaking in your palm. Your face goes pale. "Oh... I'm stuck here now." The professor uncrossed her arms. "Whyre you here instead of your time?" She says as she walks closer to you, stopping a few feet in front of you.

"Ah, now that's where the story gets long." You cleared your throat to prepare yourself to explain. "So basically, there's a wizard attending your school right now that's going to end up being a war criminal, like he's worse than Grindelwald. And so there was a prophecy that I can stop him..." she looked at you like you were insane. You sigh. "Head- I mean professor, you were the one who decided to let me come here." She shakes her head. "What? I would never send a young girl to fight against someone worse than Grindelwald." You shrugged. "But you did. And don't worry cause, Dumbledoor sent a student to his death in order to beat said evil wizard. So in my book, I at least got to choose whether I wanted to or not." You shrug.

You can see her think for a moment. Absolutely confused. "Albus, did that?" You nod. "Does*. That is if I fail on killing Tom. Or was it make him fall in love with me? Oh, make him fall in love and then kill him!" Her eyes were wide. "First of all there will be no killing! And second of all, Tom?" You nod. "Yeah, the dude that walked me here." She sighs. "I need you to come with me to speak with headmaster dippet and professor dumbeldoor." You'd nodded.

For the sake of time, authors laziness, Professor McGonagal interrupted the teachers meeting. Everyone was dismissed, leaving Dumbledoor and Dippet to decide your fate. They knew what you said was the truth, so they agreed to give you a chance to stay at hogwarts. They claimed you as a transfer student from Ivermorney. Obviously, because of your Hufflepuff (or a different houses) robes, they decided to keep you in that house.

You got situated in your new room, you do have one roommate but she's away on a family issue. So you didn't get to meet her quite yet. You plopped on the empty bed after changing into your PJ's. You groaned to yourself, dreading the next day. They decided to have Tom be your tour guide. 'Why didn't we tell dippet about Tom, though? Eh. Oh well.'

You drifted off.



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