Chapter 3: Your Roommate

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✨🌸✨You stood in the hallway outside of Professor Dumbledores classroom

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You stood in the hallway outside of Professor Dumbledores classroom. You watched as Tom walked out with a scowl on his face. "Long time no see, Riddle." You smiled awkwardly at him.

"Let's get this tour over with." You nod and followed behind him. "Why didn't you just tell me you were a transfer, last night?" He asked you. "I didn't really think about it." You puckered your lips out as he turns to give you a confused look. "You're either stupid or... no, actually just stupid." You shake your head. "I'd say I'm more like, stupid."

The tour continued with very little chit chat. 'Guess voldys not big on small talk.' The tour was almost over and you were extremely bored. "So, Tommy- I mean Riddle man. You wanna be friends?" You smiled hopefully at him. "No." He says in a flat tone. You shuffled in front of him to get him to stop walking. You looked at him with your best puppy eyes. "Pleaseeeee!" He places his hand on your forehead and pushed you to the side. "No."

You see some students to the side glancing at the two of you. 'Huh. I didn't realize there was people in the hallways.' You thought to yourself. You just shrugged the looks off. "Riddle, even though you said no. I'm still gonna be your friend. I mean you're the first person I met here." You wiped a fake tear from reminiscing about last night. You hear him scoff.

For the rest of the tour he remained quiet as you gave up trying to gain his attention.


You walked back into your dorm room to find the other bed with a suitcase on it. 'I suppose my roomie got back here recently. I wonder where they might be now?' It seemed as though your question was answered when a girl walks out of the bathroom. She looks at you and smiled.

"You must be Y/n. The transfer student right?" You smiled back. "That's me. You're my roommate right?" She nodded. "Yup, my names Serenity."

She was pretty. She had her hair up in two pigtails. Kind of like Sailor Moon. You wanted to compliment her but you'd figure she didn't know who that was. You spent some time chatting with her. The most you found out was that she's a pureblood and a 5th year. Meaning she's a year older.

She did ask you to hang out with her during lunch. Which you happily agreed with.


🌺[Short ik

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🌺[Short ik. But I gotta get something out eventually.]🌺

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