Chapter 2

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Sawyer POV

I'm sitting the back of my parents car in my car seat, playing with my little teddy bear. It's dark out and we're heading home from the zoo. I look at my mommy and daddy who are talking and laughing. Right at this moment, my mommy turns back to look at, she smiles and says, "Did you have a good day, baby?" I tiredly smile and nod. "Yeah mommy! It was so cool! We saw so many animals!" "That's gre-" in that moment there's a bright light, my dad yells out and then darkness.

I wake up shaking and in a pool of sweat. I try to slow my breathing and grip the teddy bear I'm holding to my chest. As my breaths slow down, tears slowly trail down my cheeks. I quickly get up and go to the bathroom to put cool water on my face and change my shirt. I look at myself in the mirror ashamed that I can't get past these fucking nightmares. I sigh knowing I won't get back to asleep myself and look at my clock on my nightstand, a bright red three staring back at me almost mockingly. I grab my bear and head down the hallway knocking on Liz's door while opening it. She sits up while turning on her lamp and sighs seeing me standing there looking down at the floor.

"Sawyer, look at me kid." I sigh and look up and start to cry again. Liz opens her arms and I rush into them on the bed. She gives me deep pressure because she knows it helps calm me while whispering that everything is okay repeatedly. After about 10 minutes, I finally start to calm and only hiccup every few seconds. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head quickly, "No." "You hold everything in when it comes to this Sawyer, I really think it might help to talk.." She says while trying to make eye contact. "Please. Don't make me." I plead. "You know I won't, but I'm worried." I sigh and cuddle further into her, "Just wanna go to bed. Can I stay?" She sighs and looks down at me, "Of course you can." She grabs the covers and pulls them over us then gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Night Sawyer." "G'night..." I mumble.

I wake the next morning with Liz nowhere in sight. I look at her clock and see it's 645, which means I need to get ready for school. I groan because school is not my favorite. I get up and hop into the shower. Afterwards, I get dressed, which my style is tomboy. I grab my backpack and head down the stairs. I see everyone sitting at the table and Liz making breakfast. I pop a squat next to Mackenzie and give her a fist bump. "Sleep in?" She says. I look down "Yeah, rough night." It's no secret that I have nightmares. Some of the other girls offer to sleep with me if I can't fall back asleep. Mackenzie is 17 and the oldest here so she feels protective over me. "I'm sorry S, you can always come get me too." "I know." Liz sets down some pancakes and I go to town. I looks at me questioningly, "What?" "Nothing, you're just like a teenage boy sometimes." She laughs. I swallow and shrug.

When I'm done, I grab my stuff and head for the door. "Sawyer! Please, please stay out of trouble today. I'm begging you to have one perfect week. And do not make plans for Saturday, we have another family day and you will be there." I internally groan. "I'll try my best okay? And I have a soccer game Saturday morning!" "Yes I know you do, I'm going to pick you up and we will head to the park after. And do more than try." I smile at her and give a thumbs up while walking out. I skate to school, dodging pebbles and holes and make it to school safely. I attend Madison High School where I'm a freshman. I hate this place; it's very cliquey and let's just say I'm not part of any clique. I walk into school and immediately run into the school queen bee, Sasha. "Hey, orphan." I smirk at her "Hi queen bitch, did you slut your way around any parties this weekend?" As I turn to walk away, I look right into Principal Austin's eyes. "Shit." I try to say quietly, but she just looks at me and says, "Really? Let's go." I look up and hear Sasha and her drones snickering. I turn around and shoot them a look, "Let's go, Anderson!" I turn around and drag my feet while following Principal Anderson; I'm in big trouble.

Alex POV

"Great, thank you! See you Wednesday!" I hang up the phone and walk over to Serv. "So we're all set to have the home check in Wednesday after my practice in the morning. Then we can attend the family day on Saturday! I already sent them all of our application information and we've been preliminarily approved!" He smiles and gives me a kiss, "That's great honey!" I grab an apple and sit down at the island. "I'm so excited! We will have to get one of the guest rooms prepped just in case." "Me too, and I can get that done this week. Do you think we should tell Charlie?" Serv says looking unsure. I sigh, "I was thinking that we should tell her today about potentially getting a sibling this weekend. I have to go pick her up from school right now and then we can talk to her?" "That sounds good. I think she's going to be so excited. I'll see you when you get home, ok?" He says giving me a kiss. "Of course, see you soon."

I hop in the car and head to Charlie's daycare . I keep thinking about adding a second and how crazy life is about to get. I know I want to do this. Serv and I spoke with the adoption agency and we decided that we would be willing to adopt the difficult to place kids and teenagers. Serv and I really want to make a difference and this is the age group we feel that we can do that.

I pull up to Charlie's daycare and walk in. I walk to her classroom and instantly she sees me and takes off. I pick her up and give her a kiss, which she returns on my cheek. "Hi baby! Did you have a good day?" "Momma! Yeah I did! We made handprints and played outside! And I ate snack!" I chuckle because my daughter loves eating. I sign her out and start the short drive home.

Once we reach home, I get Charlie out and she runs to our two dogs, Kona and  Blue, who she loves. We head inside and I grab her a snack to have in her high chair. Serv walks over and gives her a big sloppy kiss. "Gross DaDa!" "Okay Charlie, momma and dada have something to talk to you about." She looks at us seriously, nodding along. I chuckle at her adorable face. "Dada and I were thinking and we wanted to bring a new boy or girl into our lives." "Like a sibling? Tommy has one and he loves her. She plays with him all the time and they watch movies. Ooooh momma will they watch movies?!" I laugh at her rambling, "Yeah baby, I think they will. So you're okay with it?" She puts her thinking face on, "Uh, yes momma definitely! They come soon?" "Maybe this weekend babe, we're going to adopt and bring home a kid who really needs a family." She looks at us confused, but nods. "Can I go play?" "Of course." I let her down and she runs off. Serv looks at me, "Well that went well." I chuckle, "Yes it did. Here's to getting a kid this weekend."

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