Chapter 73

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Sawyer POV - one week later

"Hi guys, sorry it's been a minute." I open my eyes and see the cemetery around me.

"Happy birthday, Dad." I breathe out.

I empty the jar of sand I brought, "Brought the beach to you. I imagine that you miss it."

"We're leaving to go to momma's camp tomorrow, it should be fun. It's close, in LA, but it's spring break so we get to stay for the week." I say.

"Maybe mom can make sure you get your favorite meal? Whatever that was, I can't remember. I keep learning more about you guys."

I sigh, "I've been surfing with Pops a lot lately, almost every day. I used your old board, pops fixed it up for me."

I hear my alarm go off.

I turn and put my head on his headstone, "Miss you every day. You too, mom. I'll be back for your birthday."

I stand up, "I love you guys."

I walk to where momma is sitting in her car and get in, petting Mav.

"You good, baby?" Momma asks me.

I shrug, "Kind of. Just miss them."

She nods, "I know you do. It's okay, baby."

"Can I surf tonight?"

She sighs, "I don't think we have time.
Need to get home and finish laundry, which I want you to help fold, and then finish packing."

I whine, "I don't want to fold, momma."

She shakes her head, "You need to learn to do it, okay? I'm not always going to be there to fold it. I need your help with some of the chores around the house."

"Okay. We're staying at papa's?" I ask.

"Yep! You'll come visit at the hotel and training, then come to the games." She says.

"Can I sleep over if I want to?"

She sighs, "I have to clear it with the team, but maybe."

I bob my head, "Can Makena come watch a movie tonight?"

She stops at a red light, "Makena can come watch a movie, but why are you so anxious?"

I stare at her and consider saying I'm fine, but I know that she knows me.

"Just I don't know, I just wanted to hear the plan again."

She rubs my cheek, "I understand that. Pops knows the plan too."

I bob my head, "Can I hang with Tobin while we're in LA?"

She smiles, "I already spoke with her and Christen, they want to take you surfing in Malibu."

My eyes widen, "Wow! Malibu?! That's so cool. Th-that's like a spot where everyone goes! When! What day!"

She smiles, "I'm not 100% sure what day yet, okay? I'm going to talk to them tomorrow on our way to LA."

I bob my head, "Sounds good."

We pull into the driveway and I grab my backpack, hopping out and letting Mav out.

We go inside and I throw my stuff down, heading for the living room.

I pull out my phone.

Me: movie night? My momma said you can come over.

I pocket my phone and pull out the switch.

"Sawyer, off of it. Laundry." Momma says walking through the living room.

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