Chapter 35

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Sawyer POV

I wake up in a panic and it takes me a second to gain my bearings.

I start crying and I grab bear and my weighted blanket. I get up and open my door, quickly walking to Alex and Serv's door and open it.

"M-m-m-momma." She groans.

"M-m-momma." I watch as her eyes open and she sighs.

She sits up, but I just crawl into their bed, "Come on Sawyer. Back to bed."

"No!" I say and pull her arm around me.

"Sawyer, no. Up." She says.

"I'm not going." I say firmly.

"What's going on?" I hear Serv say.

"She won't go back to her room." I hear Alex say.

I hear Serv sigh, "Sawyer, you know the deal, this isn't new."

"I don't want to go back to my room! I'm not going!" I say.

I feel myself get lifted off of the bed, "NOOOO!"

I try to push myself off of Serv, "Let go of me!"

I feel myself get dropped onto my bed and my weighted blanket draped over me, "No!" I cry.

"Sawyer, hey, calm down. You're okay." I feel Alex scratching my back.

"Leave me alone!" I hear her sigh and stop scratching.

I'm sniffling and start to take deep breaths. I wipe my face and try to find Alex. I start feeling for her arm and find it and move it so it's on my back.

"Scratch?" I ask quietly.

I feel her start to scratch and sigh. "You're okay, baby."

I nod. "S-s-sorry momma." I whisper.

"It's okay. Still love you. Try to go back to sleep." She says.


That's the last thing I remember before succumbing to sleep.

Alex POV

I hear Sawyer's soft snores and sigh. 'That was rough.'

I untangle myself and make sure her blanket is in the right spot and tucked in. I stare at her and then give her a kiss on the head.

I walk out of her room and stop by Charlie's room. Thankfully, she's still asleep.

I then continue walking to Serv and I's room. I crawl back into bed and sigh.

"What was that?" Serv says.

"Maybe the emotional day yesterday compounded with the nightmare..I'm not sure. Maybe just her testing to see if she could get us to budge."

He nods, "That was rough. I felt bad just picking her up."

"I know. She is such a five year old though. Like "leave me alone", but wait don't leave me and now I want back scratches..." I chuckle.

"I love her." He says. "Me too." I say.

"Sleep." He groans. I smile.

I wake up to quiet. Like too much quiet.

I open my eyes and don't see Serv and no children in my bed.

I stretch and get up. I look at the clock, 8AM. Wait, 8AM?!

I rush downstairs and see no one. I then hear the front door open and close then see Serv walk in. "Hey baby."

"Hi, where are-"

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