Chapter 5

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Alex POV

I left Sawyer and Charlie to play while getting food ready for Serv to grill. I looked out the window and saw that Charlie had brought out her soccer ball and was passing with Sawyer. I watched Sawyer with the ball and the girl really has skill. I smiled thinking that I get to have her and Charlie down on the pitch tomorrow with me.

As I was in my own little world, I heard a cry come from Charlie. I ran outside and saw Charlie crying and Sawyer hovering over her. She frantically repeated "I'm so sorry Alex. I'm so sorry Alex. I didn't mean to!" I looked down at Charlie and she had a small scuff on her knee. I picked her up and gave her a few kisses and she began to calm down. Serv came over and grabbed her, "I think this princess needs a bandaid." To which Charlie giggled and nodded.

As they walked off, I slowly approached Sawyer who was still riled up. "Sawyer? Honey, look at me."

She shook her head, "I'm sorry Alex, we're playing around and I went to nutmeg her and she tripped and cut her knee, she was so upset. She's gonna hate me! You're gonna hate me!"

"Sawyer. Eyes up. You're okay. Charlie is okay, okay? It was an accident. Accidents happen. I am not mad, I just want to make sure you're okay. Are you okay?"

She looked up, eyes red and puffy from crying. She nodded, "Ye-yeah, I'm okay." She took a deep breath. As she released it, Charlie bolted out the door and tackled her to the ground. "Sawyer, I got a bandaid!! Look, it has princesses!" "She laughed "Yeah Char it does!! You're so cool now with a bandaid!"

Charlie giggled, "Hey Sawyer, we go see your room now?" Sawyer looked at me, "My room?" I nodded, "You need a room if you're gonna be here." Sawyer looked down and nodded.

"Let's go!" Charlie pulled on Sawyer's arm to get her to move. Sawyer got up and let Charlie drag her and I followed behind. "Okay, Sawyer close your eyes. No peeking!!" I chucked at Charlie. "Okay momma and I!" As we said three, we opened the door and Sawyer opened her eyes.

We knew Sawyer loved soccer, skating, and surfing, so we themed her room that way. With new surfboards and skateboards for her to use. Her bed had a soccer ball blanket and a couple of pillows. I looked over at her and she was tearing up. I pulled her into a side hug, "Thank you guys, seriously!" She whispered.

"I see you eyeing that skateboard, Sawyer, and I want you to know there's a shiny helmet to go along with it! You will wear it!" I heard her groan, "But it's so lame." "You know what's lame, a traumatic brain injury or concussion, that's lame. You will wear it, not open for discussion." I said. She looked at me jaw dropped and quickly nodded.

I smiled and watched her walk around her room. A few minutes later, Serv said that dinner was ready so we all headed down to wash up and eat.

For dinner, we're having vegan burgers that Serv grilled up along with veggie kabobs and salad.

"I've never had a vegan burger, do they suck?"

"Sucks!" Charlie repeated.

"Sawyer, watch your mouth!"

She looked at me like she was going to rebuttal, but turned to her food and decided against it. I looked over at Serv, who sighed in relief that there wasn't going to be a power struggle at this exact moment.

I started eating and looked over at her, she looked annoyed, but I couldn't figure out why. Then a lightbulb went off, her meds are twice per day so it's likely breakfast and dinner. I got up and grabbed her meds and grabbed three pills per the dosage and walked over to her.

I dropped them next to her plate. "I don't need those."

"Yes, you do, twice per day."

"I don't want to!" She whined.

Serv then decided to step in, "Come on Sawyer, just take them and be done with it."

"I said I don't want to!" As she shoved her plate forward, which then spilled all over and got up to head to her room.

I took a deep breath and looked at Serv, he mouthed "it's okay" to me. I nodded and we decided to let Sawyer be. Charlie spoke up shortly after, "Momma, Dada? Sawyer okay?"

I looked at her, "Yeah baby, she's okay, she just needs a minute to calm down. Okay?"

She thought long and hard, "Ice cream help her calm, momma?"

I smiled at her, "We can see baby. Let's finish eating then I'll go check on her."

We finished eating and Serv was cleaning up, while I worked on cleaning a messy Charlie and letting her out of her high chair.

"We go find Sawyer now?"

"You stay here first baby, I'll go talk to Sawyer for a little bit."

She pouted, but nodded. I smiled at her connection with Sawyer already.

I headed up the stairs and stood outside Sawyer's door. I took a deep breath and knocked. "Go away" I heard muffled. "I can't do that right now, Sawyer...I just want to talk."

"Ugh, fine! Come in."

I went to turn the handle, but couldn't. "Sawyer, please unlock the door."

I heard her feet hit the floor and the lock turn, the door opening and revealing Sawyer.

I walked in and sat on the edge of her bed, "Hey, first things first, no locked doors, okay? It's not safe."

She looked at and sighed, "Got it. Anything else?"

I softened looking at her, she was scared of what I was going to say. "Sawyer, it's me, you don't have to be scared."

She looked at me and released a breath and nodded.

"Alright, what happened down there?"

"I-I just. I don't know. I was feeling irritated, and then just you presenting me the meds just got to me. I don't know, I'm sorry."

"Thanks for apologizing, hey maybe the dose needs to be changed or the timing. Okay? We will figure it out. You're gonna need to apologize to Serv too."

Just as she was going to say something, there's was a knock at the door. "Sawyer, I bring ice cream! Make you feel better!"

We chuckled at Charlie, but Sawyer accepted the ice cream. I smiled at Charlie crawling up next to her and cuddling in.

"Alright, who's up for movie night?"

"Me!" They both said. And they hopped off the bed and ran down to the living room.

I shook my head, and followed after them. Sawyer allowed Charlie to pick the movie and we all sat on the couch to watch Encanto for the millionth time. About halfway through the movie I felt a weight against and looked over to see Sawyer passed out cuddled into me. I looked over at Serv asleep holding Charlie and thought it best to not wake anyone. I wrapped my arms around Sawyer and closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly.

I woke up to sudden movement and panicky breathing. I opened my eyes and saw Sawyer standing soaked in her shirt. I looked next to me and saw wet all over the couch. Shit this is the nightmare I thought to myself.

Sawyer POV

I woke with a startle as I normally do, covered in sweat. I looked next to me and saw Alex and quickly stood up. I was trying to control my breathing when I began to reach for my comfort, my bear, when I realized I didn't have it. This caused me to panic even more and that's when I noticed that Alex was awake and watching me.

"Sawyer breath, okay? Deep breaths with me."

I shook my head, "I-I-I c-c-can't, b-bear!"

She looked at me confused until I think she remembered the bear. She took off for my bag and dug through it until she found it. She brought it back to me and I held it as tightly as I could and just tried to calm my breathing. I looked up and I then noticed that Serv had woken up, but thankfully Charlie was still asleep. Alex knelt down next to me and pulled me up and into the couch, telling me it was okay and hugging me. "I-I-I like the pressure, it h-helps." I hiccuped. I felt her hold on tighter. I started to feel drowsy between the words being spoken and the pressure. I couldn't help but feel this feeling of safety as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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