Chapter 27

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Alex POV

"Alright, Sawyer and Charlie. I have training. Come with or stay here?"

They look at each other and whisper while looking at me, then back at each other, then back at me.

"We've discussed it and....we will come with!" Sawyer says.

I laugh, "You guys are too much."

"Can I bring my cleats?" Sawyer asks.

"Sure baby. But Kate is in charge. She says stop, then you listen. Understood?"

"Yes, momma!" They say and they go back to their game.

I hear a knock, "Hello, Carrasco's!"

"Hey Kate. Alright I've got Charlie's bag packed and actually, I threw some snacks for Sawyer in there too because I'm about 90% sure she'll be hungry. Charlie napped so she should be okay. Sawyer should be okay, she's been calm since the plane ride."

"Alex - I've got it. They'll be okay. I can handle Charlie and Sawyer. Well for sure Charlie."

I sigh, "Kidding Al, she'll be okay. Plus Bree is around if I need back up."

"True. Okay babies, time to go!"

They scramble off the bed and head for the door.

They race to the elevator and push the button repeatedly. Taylor also is heading for the elevator and waits with them, showing Sawyer something on her phone.


"Yeah baby?" I respond.

"Uh, are you and Serv going to like post me on social media like Charlie?"

My eyes widen, I hadn't really thought about it honestly.

"If that's okay with you, Sawyer. I'm not going to post anything you don't want." I say.

She nods her head, "Okay."

I watch as she heads to the bus with Taylor and Charlie.

I feel my phone vibrate and look to see that Tobin texted me.

Tobin: hey Al! Chris and I will be in San Diego on Monday for a re-Inc thing, will you be around to catch up?

Me: totally! Doing beach with the family but you guys are welcome! I'll send details

Tobin: sounds good, can't wait to see the little munchkin!

I sigh, Sawyer is going to be meeting so many new people, which makes me worry about her and think about how to make sure that she's okay.

We hop on the bus and head to the fields. I start stretching and see Sawyer juggling the ball.

I start thinking about how good she is and what college she wants to go to. Holy shit, she could go like far away and I'm not ready for that. For her, college is only like three years away, which is going to come so quickly, so Serv and I really need to-

"Hey Al?"

I shake my head and see Bree standing next to me, "You good?"

I sigh, "I was just thinking about Sawyer and if she wants to play soccer in college? I mean what if she wants to go far away? Or worse, go pro right away? I'm not ready for that."

Bree laughs, "What?"

"You have three years. Sawyer's only 14. A lot can happen between now and then." She says. "Besides, she probably wants to stay in California if I know anything about her."

"Why do you think that?" I ask.

"Alex, she lost her parents, she's terrified to lose anyone else close to her. I felt the same way, I didn't want to be far from them. She isn't going to want to be far away from you guys in case something happens. You're her safe space." She says.

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