Chapter 8

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Alex POV

The whole ride home, I kept glancing back at Sawyer. I sighed and wondered what was going through her mind. She was deep in thought, staring out the window. I wish she would open up more to us, but I have to accept that that will come with time.

We pull into the driveway and I look at Sawyer, "Grab your homework and bring it down to the kitchen, okay?"

She nodded and got out of the car. I looked at Serv, "Bath night for Charlie, you got it?" He saluted, "Aye Aye!" I chuckled.

"I can't believe she lied to us about a party.." He said defeatedly.

"Wait, she asked you too?" He nodded. I shook my head, "I can, she knew we wouldn't say yes."

"Say a prayer that homework goes over well."

He chuckled, "Oh I will."

I walked into the kitchen and saw Sawyer with a couple of textbooks and notebooks with her.

"Okay, which subject is the hardest?" I looked at her.

She looked at her feet and played with her fingers. I walked over to kneel next to her, "Sawyer, I don't care if they're hard, I don't think you're stupid, okay? Just tell me." She looked up,"They're all kind of hard, but I guess English Lit and Algebra.."

"Okay let's start with Lit then. Hit me with it."

"I have to read this stupid story and then answer comprehension questions."

"Okay, do you want to read to yourself or out loud?" I looked at her and waited.

She hesitated, "To myself please."

"Okay let me know when you're done. I'm going to grab some water, do you want some?" She nodded.

I stood up and walked to grab some waters and set one down by her. While I waited, I decided to do some remaining dishes and check my emails.

I looked at the time and realized that 20 minutes had passed - no way Sawyer should still be reading. I walked over and noticed her on the same page, but using her finger and concentrating on the words as she sounded them out slowly. 'There's no way she can't read, is there?'

I continued watching her and holy shit, she can only read simple words. She looked up, probably sensing that she was being watched and immediately stopped what she was doing.

I got down and turned her towards me. "Sawyer, I need you tell me the truth. Can you read?"

"I-I can explain! I'm reading slow on purpose to time waste! I'm not stupid!"

I shook my head, "You're not stupid. Okay? It's okay that you can't read. Why didn't you say anything to anyone?"

"It started in like fourth grade, everyone kept getting better at reading and I just got stuck. I couldn't get it and didn't want anyone to call me stupid." She looked down.

"Okay, that's okay. How have you been getting by? You've been turning work in, right? You have to be."

She nodded, "Emily helps me, she used to be in all of my classes until this semester - she'd record herself reading passages or just help me in person. Th-then Mackenzie at the group home helps when she can.."

"Emily is...?"

"My best friend, we've been friends since we were six." She smiles.

"Got it. Okay. Well will you let me help you now? I can read the story and then you answer the questions."

She looks so embarrassed, but nods.

I pat her on the leg, "Alright then, let's get to it."

I make a mental note to talk to Liz and see how we can get Sawyer some extra support at school and here at the house.

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