Chapter 63

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Alex POV

"Sawyer! Max is here!" I call up the stairs.

I open the door to see Max and her parents, "Hi! I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you guys!"

"Hi! I'm Stacy, this is Ryan and of course, this Max!"

Max groans, "She knows who I am, mom!"

I chuckle, "That's true, Sawyer should be down in-"

"I'm here! Hi Max, come on! I have the switch all set up!" She interrupts.

Before I can even say anything, they're both inside and gone.

"Well. Come on in!"

We walk to the living room and I smile as Sawyer talks animatedly about Mario Kart.

"Hey baby? Remember that we're not getting upset if you lose. If you get too amped, I'm turning it off."

"YESSSSS, momma. I know."

"Wow, her and Max really are the same." Stacy chuckles.

"Same rules, Max!"

"Ugh, I know mom. Let's play, Sawyer!" Max says.

I chuckle, "Okay, parents can hang in the kitchen. I think they'll be okay."

"Max has been talking about this hang since Monday. I don't think I've ever seen her more excited about anything except art." Ryan says.

"Sawyer too, she's been excited. Do you guys want anything to drink? I've got water, juice, wine-"

"Wine. Definitely wine." Stacy laughs.

"I get it." I pull out glasses and uncork a bottle.

"I'm so happy that Max met Sawyer. It's hard for her to make friends. She can be a lot to some people."

I smile, "Sawyer too, she just doesn't have a lot of confidence, I think Max kinda gives her some."

"Max is full of confidence, that's for sure."

"Hey! You can't be Mario! I'm always Mario!" I hear Sawyer and set my glass down.

She walks in the kitchen, "Momma! Please tell Max that she can't be Mario."

"Baby, you have to be flexible."

"No, Mario always wins! He always wins!"

I chuckle, "Not true. Doesn't matter what character you are. Max is a guest so just let her be Mario."

I can see the gears turning and she throws her head back, "Ugh, fine!"

She walks out, "Max, you can be Mario, I'll be Yoshi."

"Wow, that was great." Stacy says.

"Well, it's a work in progress." I say.

"Always will be, we've learned." Ryan says.

"Aren't we all." I say.

Sawyer POV

"Alright Sawyer, time for Max to go!"

"What? Where was the warning!" I say without my eyes leaving the screen.

"Yeah! Where was the warning!" Max echos.

"Max, you knew what time we were leaving. We told you before we came." Max's dad says.

"But you didn't remind her." I say.

"Sawyer, stop. Finish this race and then it's off."

"Ugh, no, momma!" I groan.

"Turn it off when the race is done or I'm unplugging it and it'll be gone for rest of the week. Your choice, baby." She says firmly.

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